With Launch control not being in use for a number of years now, how much of the start is down to the car, how much is down to the driver, and how much of it is a combination of the driver working with the team? We often hear statements like the Ferrari's are blistering off the line, but is it something do with the clutch settings or is it simply Alonso and Massa executing it correctly?
I know how the start sequence on a car works, with 2 paddle clutches, with the second paddle being held at the optimum biting point and being released after the first paddle.
Is it not down to the driver to ensure the revs do not drop too low, find the correct bite point and time the gear shifts correctly?
I remember for example in the 2011 Spanish Grand Prix, Gene said that Alonso got a new clutch and since then, his starts have been much better. What would be new about this clutch and how would it help Alonso?