Hello to all F1Technical members and users.
I find your fantastic forum recently and my goal is to contribute to share the most information from F1 races as possible.
During the last season, 2013, I create an Excel file with ALL the Documents issued by FIA from the 19 races.
It was done with hard commitment, and revised often.
I believe it's very easy to use, because each number is a link to the pdf file.
The colours indicate the type of Doc, i.e. Timing Sheets, Stewards Decisions, Race Director Notes, etc.
If you want to try it, just send me a mail to this adress: cmfdasneves@sapo.pt with the title 2013 Season , and I'll answer as soon as possible with the .xls file attached.
Remember that the FIA Docs are copyright material, so don´t use it for any other uses than your own personal purposes.
I´m also looking for the pdf files from previous years, such as: 2009, 2010 and 3 races (Korea, Abu Dhabi, Brazil) of 2011.
If you have this material, please send it to me and I'll try to create an Excel file to each year.
My best regards to everyone from F1Technical.
Carlos Furtado das Neves