Schlong joke rubbish bin

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Schlong joke rubbish bin


Why not dump them all here and not in the car threads?
No smartphone was involved in creating this message.

Joined: 24 Feb 2013, 14:07

Re: Schlong joke rubbish bin


why would we? :roll:
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"

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Re: Schlong joke rubbish bin


I was thinking that we're getting close to the time when that joke has run its course. It gets a bit puerile if the same genital comments occur on every page.

After all the car threads are meant to focus on objective conversation about the actual features of the cars.

Personally, I'm minded to delete the more gratuitous on sight, I'm not sure what we gain by moving them into a new thread. Also I've better things to do than be a curator of childish genital jokes.

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Re: Schlong joke rubbish bin


+1 for overdoing the genital jokes.
I also hope this word use won't flag the site as adult? (?)
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Joined: 24 Feb 2013, 14:07

Re: Schlong joke rubbish bin


i think it's a bit oversensitive imho. what did you expect during the releases? if anything, there's been a long winter buildup to the actual releases and there's no dissappointment. the noses do look suggestive and it's a logical response in human nature. people shouldn't be so stick-up and just laugh things off for once in a while.

It'll be over soon when all the cars are presented and people are used to it. just because it looks like some appendage
people get upset in their restricted worlds?

sorry but i don't share that opinion. it's not childish, its simple fun and games. Childish is calling for mommy if you can't
take something - not being offensive here though.

the world doesn't need to be as grey and boring. give some take some.
460920 total of posts and if 20 contain anything about willies that's it. no need to exegerate. :roll:
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"

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Re: Schlong joke rubbish bin


Manoah2u, I just counted 6 on-theme jokes or posts just from you, just with today's timestamp. I am not counting your posts in the caption competition (obviously, guilty as hell myself in there), or other just fun posts also from you today. Those are 6 posts that I read in good faith, which to be nasty and nitpick, took some time and added nothing. And it is not only you, it is everyone in Holland! (if you get my drift).
The internet is full of fun, too full sometimes. It gets tiring to navigate 300+ page threads where 50% of the posts are just fillers. And then the voting system gets full of votes for the fun posts, and votes to the people laughing at that fun, and then the funnies that vote other funnies have all the votes for being funny, and it gets funny all over, fun over fun, and then there is fun posts aaaall the way down. And then no more F1T :-(
P.S. you would be quite right to call me drama queen ;-)
In most cases, the majority is below the average.

Joined: 17 Feb 2013, 19:43

Re: Schlong joke rubbish bin


This problem will take care of itself after testing starts. At least until the first accident. It's a way to vent about the poor rule wording from the FIA, but will die off here in the forum, only the TV commentators (except Kiril of course!) will try tongue-in-cheek jokes about it all season.
Let's hope the racing is as interesting as the cars this year.
“Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!” Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Joined: 24 Feb 2013, 14:07

Re: Schlong joke rubbish bin


hollus wrote:Manoah2u, I just counted 6 on-theme jokes or posts just from you, just with today's timestamp. I am not counting your posts in the caption competition (obviously, guilty as hell myself in there), or other just fun posts also from you today. Those are 6 posts that I read in good faith, which to be nasty and nitpick, took some time and added nothing. And it is not only you, it is everyone in Holland! (if you get my drift).
The internet is full of fun, too full sometimes. It gets tiring to navigate 300+ page threads where 50% of the posts are just fillers. And then the voting system gets full of votes for the fun posts, and votes to the people laughing at that fun, and then the funnies that vote other funnies have all the votes for being funny, and it gets funny all over, fun over fun, and then there is fun posts aaaall the way down. And then no more F1T :-(
P.S. you would be quite right to call me drama queen ;-)
i'm not really gettin' the everyone in holland drift honestly. yeah i made some jokes, i didn't say i'm not guilty at all,
all i'm saying is i'm not that uptight. and as mentioned by another member'll wear of in just a flash.

i do understand the fact it's a 'technical' site though and i agree it kinda lowers the 'level' a bit.
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"

Joined: 06 Oct 2013, 20:58

Re: Schlong joke rubbish bin


If it isn't obvious already, I do like a little humor mixed in with the technical discussion. F1 isn't really popular where I live, and I wish I had the jovial banter about the sport that many of my friends do about American football, or NASCAR. Good conversation is about flow and enjoying the a bit about the a bit about the drivers...a little trash talk about Bernie Ecclestone...a wisecrack now and then...the only thing missing is a beer. I'm not into being mean, or hurting people's feelings, so I wouldn't want to see the humor be offensive. I like Johnny Carson's style of humor, on television in the 1970's and 1980's. He couldn't tell dirty jokes, or use vulgarity on public TV. He left the vulgarity up to the minds of the viewers.

Now if is website is intended to be an academic excercise which focuses on engineering and analysis then the humor police do have a point. Back in my Molecular Biology days, I never would have made a wisecrack in a formal paper or presentation.

I guess my question/comment goes to the moderators. Is this a forum a place for friendly conversation and jovial banter, or is this an academic exercise. If the answer is academic exercise I won't make another attempt at humor. I will be a touch disappointed though.

As for the whole reputation I do find that a bit juvenile. Popularity contests are for teenagers, and politicians (darn, I just made another joke).

Joined: 02 Mar 2007, 03:01

Re: Schlong joke rubbish bin


I think the worse the jokes the better. F1's image needs to get damaged, sponsors complaining and even leaving.

That's the only way to stop this design by rules nonsese