As most people are aware by now, Williams F1 team have changed their longstanding "Senna S" logo that was on the tip of the car's nose, to a "Senna Head Logo."
The head is not only an outline; one can see Aryton's face in moderate detail. Eyes, ears, curls, nose - a full face of Atyton looking straight on to some distant object I guess. I reckon this Senna's head looks more appealing than the S turns logo. Don't you agree?
Yeah.. all good new logo - fancy schmancy Martini livery and shizzle. But what really beats me is why in God's name would you want to put a man's (the most Iconic F1 driver of all times) head on the part of the car that is more likely, than any other part, to get smashed to smithereens in an accident? Why didn't they put the Senna head on the side of the cockpit or near the airbox? Isn't that more "safe?" I know Senna isn't Jesus (though some loony folk think he is), but I wouldn't put a Jesus sticker on the front bumper of my why?