Jersey Tom wrote:Edax wrote:
Eh I just don't agree with that. Consumer and military markets (be they automotive or aerospace) will always eclipse motor racing - which is pocket change by comparison. There's just far more money and way more people involved. And yes, longer lead time. It's not because engineers in racing "just work faster" - in other fields there are far more stringent criteria to meet, regulations, possibility of litigation, etc.
Your first argument is obviously right, the amount of money and people involved is larger. But you have to realize that a lot of these resources are spent on making things massproduceable, reliable and cheaper not necessarily on creating breakthrough technologies.
The lead time itself also may be of influence. It has increased tremendously. The spitfire was commissioned in 1935 and the first prototype flew in 1936. the A350 was publicly announced in 2004 and flew in 2014.
Typically a development goes to a number of stages or gates. One of them is the freeze of the specifications. This is done based on an assessment of the capabilities of available technologies. After that gate is it is very hard to introduce new technologies.
That means that much of the technologies that are outdated before introduction of the actual product as they have been selected several years back. There was a period where the most advanced computers were the ones that were used for targeting of artillery. Now a high end computer will probably run circles around the ones used in the latest military hardware. Simply because they were selected several nodes back.
But it also restricts transfer (influence) of technology. To give a practical example. Say you work at Boeing and have a great idea. You cannot implement it on the 737MAX which is entering pre-production, you are also too late for the 777X which comes out in 2018-2019 and is frozen. The next opportunity for introduction would be the NSA which is predicted somewhere in 2024/25. That is almost a decade.
Until it is in design and the sales people are bragging about the capabilities of your idea, you are kindly requested not to tell anyone about it. So in terms of aviation influencing F1 or visa versa, the latter may be much more likely since any good idea in F1 will be out in the open (on F1technical) within one season, whereas an idea in aviation will remain under a shroud for years.