Looking at these pics, I must say that the Renault front wing looks like a arrows, I hope they fix that. But the graphics look sweet.
Yes and the safety car is cruelly missing in all previous games. F1 2005 was particulary crappy with a ridiculously easy game (actually I'm sure even my mother can put a minardi p1 from p20 in 1 lap without any driving aid and diffuculty set to hard ). Plus the IA was a pity, other drivers never commit errors, there are no accidents and if you crashed @320km/h in a wall the worst you could fear was to broke the front wing. After this crap, they have some hard work to do...Tom wrote:In the perfect game you should have the option of a complete simulation, where you have a few practice sessions, team shuffles, contracts, formation laps and engine failures. Also arguments with engineers, other drivers and team bosses.