I am not sure how deep is the impact of this letter. This, I think, ends the revolution. I read between lines ("... penned by... the car makers... "). I conclude we are now officially in the era of F1 brands.
It is, maybe, the end of the "barons" of Formula 1 and the begining of "industrialists" rule.
It is a sweet deal and could be seen as "carrying the torch". The responsability is taken from Bernie's aging shoulders, fresh capital arrives with CVC and F1 supports (or shares) the fortunes of car makers, a role that, in the past, its most forefront leaders ambigously rejected, from Enzo Ferrari to Bruce McLaren
Real talks with sponsors can start in the beautiful yatchs at Monaco's bay, I place I would certainly choose if I could.
From now on, F1 finances leading edge research at factories. We brace for really funny rule changes...

After reading all this, on a second thought, I should have let Dave start this thread... but, what do you think? Am I reading too much? Is it just a reacommodation of forces?