Studying tips to get into F1

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Studying tips to get into F1


Hi, there - (I'm new so go easy on me.)

I'm currently pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering (final year). I've always had an interest in F1, and like many of such people who go into engineering - my ultimate aim is to land a job in the motorsport industry. (Not necessarily F1, because I'm fully aware of how competitive it is, and how many engineers grind their careers in lower categories before moving up - and I'm totally fine with it.)

I'm from India, and I plan to do my masters in aerospace engineering with a specialization in probably what is going to be lightweight structures and composites. I plan to do this in Europe which is going to be closer to the industry than America. Can anyone guide me as to what should I be doing/ any tips/ advice for getting in at the earliest?

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Joined: 04 Dec 2018, 17:55

Re: Studying tips to get into F1


Top tip for being a F1 driver...


Don't Crash :)

Greg Locock
Greg Locock
Joined: 30 Jun 2012, 00:48

Re: Studying tips to get into F1

Post ... 494918101/

or even ... 504561301/

I suggest you look at sites like the above. You'll probably find a Masters at Cranfield, or one of the polytechnics claims to get you into a racing team faster.

Greg Locock
Greg Locock
Joined: 30 Jun 2012, 00:48

Re: Studying tips to get into F1


And here's a job that actually sounds interesting ... 506110401/