Stoddy says...

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Stoddy says...


Joined: 06 Jun 2005, 15:29


And Stoddy's point is?.........

All I can deduce from that is that Stoddy is trying to prove what we all know.......Max is using the regulations to achieve a goal somewhere not directly related to what he says he is doing.

I will say, I do have a lot of time for Stoddy......I just wish he had come to the point, I'm sure it would have been a good one.

Make Stoddy the President of the FIA - he'd be a good one :wink: 8)

Joined: 05 Nov 2004, 13:21
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Stoddy's point is Mad Max's latest invocation of Article 7.5 and calls into quesion his 'questionable' governance of the sport. He has joined the Pitpass feature editorial and writes on issues relating to F1. Draw your own conclusions on his articles
Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regards to matters requiring thought. The less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them; while on the other hand, to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. - Galileo..

The noblest of dogs is the hot dog. It feeds the hand that bites it.

Joined: 28 Feb 2006, 21:26


Stoddart made the same point about engines that I did a long time ago. I'm not a rocket surgeon, but even I knew a while ago that constantly changing regs would do nothing to lower costs.

But I still don't know what the point of the article is.

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Joined: 17 Jan 2004, 22:24
Location: Motorsport Valley, England.


:roll: Booooooring. Change the record Stoddy. If he had put as much effort into running his race teams as he does whinging he might actually win something.
"Whether you think you can or can't, either way you are right."
-Henry Ford-

Joined: 20 Jan 2005, 04:02


Obviously Stoddard has a deep dislike for mad Max, and would like the world to see what Max has screwed up. I don't know if this is just an exercise in futility, or just recommended venting therapy recommended by a psychiatrist. I doubt if he is changing anyone's mind. For older fans who have already decided Max needs to go, they don't need convincing. For fans who support Max, this is just another personal attack on the head of the FIA, an organazition doing decently. And newer fans, most don't give a rat's arse, they just want to see cool racing, politics are furthest from their mind.
Maybe Stoddard just wants to bait Max, draw out a response, and get down to a nasty and dirty name-calling contest.
This must be a huge burr under Stoddard's saddle, he's an alpha male, competitive, and if you count the score, Max has more points. Stoddard is out of F1, and Max is still entrenched in power.

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


I posted the same link at the end of "Petition" (ehem...), but probably the topic was "maxed-out"...

- On this "V8-engine-subject", Stoddard found himself literally begging Todt to allow Minardi to race in March 2005, before selling it. Taipei Times, March 2005.

- Stoddard had to resort to a judiciary authority outside the sport to be able to race in Australia, 2005. F1Technical, March, 2005. I repost the argument I made on the "Petition" thread on Mosley: something is wrong having all the powers (judiciary, legislative and executive) concentrated in FIA.

- Stoddard, also in March 2005, was under attack from Ron Walker over the 2005 Melbourne race, under Mosley-Ecclestone guidance, according to some sources. GrandPrix, March 2005

- All available "unanimous" options for reducing speed were exhausted. Drivers, lead by Coulthard protested even over rules on "two-races engine"... Grand Prix, March 2005

- The car manufacturers are closing the playing field for good: they have successfully argued for throwing more money on engines, by subsidizing research of smaller teams (this means, Cosworth). F1 Technical, July 2006 and FIA press release, July, 2006. I opened a thread on that.

- Some people joined the field that proposed a reduction in fuel to clinch both aero and engine at the same time... Now FIA is playing along. F1 technical, July 2006.

I wonder who is the (unknown for me) FIA Technical Working Group they are calling to the rescue. FIA press release, July 2006.

A final question: can somebody explain how the World Council Members are elected? How are the national federation representatives to the FIA General Assembly elected? I'm starting to like this political stuff... :roll:

Joined: 05 Nov 2004, 13:21
Location: Timbuck2


Booooooring. Change the record Stoddy. If he had put as much effort into running his race teams as he does whinging he might actually win something.
I think this is an unfair comment. This is not whinging but even if it was does he not have a right to whinge if he thinks the governance is whats killing the sport? The little guys have not options but to compete on terms set by the big guys who mainly got to be big by being innovative (in the old days) and therefore succesfull. The one area where the little guy can make a difference, innovation, has been regulated out of the sport. Now even all the money in the world will not get u to the front of the grid. As of now and for the forseable future, winning a race let alone the championship is something the less established or small teams dare not dream of. With a grid of 11 constructors, only 4 have won races and only 3 have any chance of doing so going fowards. Surely there must be something very wrong here. Well there is but no one is saying anything and those who do are told to shut up. The sports governing body can do whatever it bloody well likes whenever it likes with no one to challenge them. A quote from Mike Lawrence (pitpass) with regards to journos in F1:
Every journalist who has a decent pass has to obey an unwritten rule, you do not rock the boat. If you cross the line, you can lose you pass and bang goes your livelyhood. Nobody will tell you how you lose yior pass. You are allowed to be like a court jester, you can mock royalty, whose name is Bernie, but you only allowed to mock so far.
When even journalist have to toe the line, I say thank god for stoddy and others who can speak up.
DaveKillens wrote:
And newer fans, most don't give a rat's arse, they just want to see cool racing, politics are furthest from their mind.
True. But then they dont know any better or the history of the sport. The old fans do.

Just my 2 pennies worth.
Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regards to matters requiring thought. The less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them; while on the other hand, to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. - Galileo..

The noblest of dogs is the hot dog. It feeds the hand that bites it.