Schumacher to BMW?

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Schumacher to BMW?


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One billion dollars? That figure alone almost completely discredits the story. Even Jesus isn't worth that kind of money to drive a car - well, maybe.

I just can't see how that kind of expenditure would be beneficial to BMW. DaimlerChrysler (specifically Mercedes) needs that kind of brand upgrade much more than BMW.

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Reckon they should keep JV to keep Michael honest :twisted:

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Re: Schumacher to BMW?


DarkSnape wrote: what u think?
Made me smile... Seriously though, it would shut alot of people up if he went to BMW and won another championship... especially at his age!
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Doubt it


He couldn't win a champ which means he wouldn't enjoy it so its not going to happen. Although he had a link with Saulber in the early 90s they were with Merc at the time, but a the German relationship would do wonders for BMW.
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M Schumacher in BMW? someone is having a lough...
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if this is going to happen then kimi is going to ferrari , but i dont know 1Billion is tooooooooooooo much

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bhallg2k wrote:One billion dollars? That figure alone almost completely discredits the story. Even Jesus isn't worth that kind of money to drive a car - well, maybe.

I just can't see how that kind of expenditure would be beneficial to BMW. DaimlerChrysler (specifically Mercedes) needs that kind of brand upgrade much more than BMW.
Actually the story is quite credible. Say Kimi goes to Ferrari surely schumi would rather see out his carear with a massive salery than risk getting beaten by a man ten years his junior.

The sum of money isn't just his salery though. In actual fact BMW are reported to be in talks with Willi Weber about signing Michael for a one year deal with options worth $100m per year. This figure though could be multiplied ten fold (giving the $1billion figure) due to revenue from sponsorship royalties, merchandising, product endorsement, PR appearances etc.

Also for BMW this would be a major coup, they want wins maybe even a title in 2008, and as good as Nick Hiedfeld is, he's no champ in the making, not just yet anyway. JV? Well its a big ask seeing as it will represent an 11 year gap between championships (something thats never been done before). Robert Kubica is quick, but his greatest achievments will have to come after 2008, '08 will be too early for him, he has to learn more.

Furthyer more Mercedes (who supported schu in his sports car days) have wanted to get schumi back into a Mercedes (Mclaren Mercedes?) for ages, MS even admits to having discussed driving for Mclaren with Ron Dennis as early as three years ago. For BMW to have schumi see out his carear with them would be a major coup over thir rival Mercedes, surely there would also be a range of "Schumacher" BMW's, anyone fancy a "BMW M3 CSL Schumacher"?

The year would be billed as a "Bye Bye Schumi" year, and the fact that BMW's HQ is in switzerland (where schumi lives) further strengthens the possibilities, also switzerland is a tax haeven for who ever schumi may bring with him (Ross Brawn maybe?)

BMW insiders have also been quoted as saying "The idea isn't a crazy one" and "Who better for Robert Kubica to learn the ropes fro in his rookie season?"

After schumi hangs up his race helmet the plan could also involve him in a managerial role similar to that of Gerhard Berger's at BMW when they where partnering Williams.

Bernie thinks Michael will stay put "He's happy at Ferrari, its like a family"

So BMW's dream may not come true, but lets be honest Stranger things have happened!
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Joined: 25 Jul 2006, 15:50


I highly doubt this will happen. Although BMW is improving weekly they still won't be in a position to win championships by next year.

MS is only interested in winning (at any cost :wink: )and Ferrari or Renault, at this point, can provide him with the package to win races.

F1 is more about the car these days than the driver. Massa and Fisi only do well because they have superior cars. Put JV or Nick Heidfeld in a Ferrari and they will also perform as well as MS.

JV better!!!

Joined: 08 Apr 2006, 06:05


I like both Heidfeld and Villeneuve but some how I dont see them as a threat to Schumacher in equal machinery. I even doubt that Raikkonen can beat Schumacher. Raikkonen has the speed but where is his luck ?

I think it will be hard for BMW to lure Schumacher over with money only. Schumacher is already incredibly wealthy and already earns an ridiculous amount of money each year from Ferrari so why would he do a deal with BMW who´s car is uncompetitive ? Next year the BMW could be the car of the field but Ferrari Renault and even Mclaren is a better bet, and lets not forget Toyota and Honda.

/ Fx

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Joined: 13 Jan 2006, 00:24
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MS earns £20M, without royalties, I'm sure he realises theres more than money in life.
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.

Joined: 07 Jan 2004, 00:42
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Switching to BMW would sort of dimmer his career. Like he really needs that much money... does he really need another 50 inch flat screen TV in his Cessna
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Joined: 25 Jul 2006, 01:34


i think that schumi want to end his career in glory, and money is not a factor in this deal he doesn’t need it that much, he is a seven times world champion in his last couple of years, he dose not have time like before when he moved to Ferrari ( a team with uncompetitive car at that time) and together (he & Ferrari) they tried to improve until they got the 5 championships. I think it’s a risky move.
M Basrawi