... 0354.shtml
interesting to say the least.
Saribro meant the waving of blue flags is selective as they only apply to cars being lapped and therefore not as easy to manage. Red and yellow flags apply to the entire field (global if u like).global? blue flags arent then?
Because it requires signals to be sent -to- the cars. If there is no official system that is managed by race controllers, it would have to be sent by the teams' pit crews, which is currently not allowed.Tom wrote:Well, if ITV viewers, and I'm sure many more, can instantly see when the yellows are waved why not the drivers?
If it is managed by the race stewards (as it should), a simple encryption of the connection would make it safe enough from sabotage (compare it to WPA encryption on wireless internet for example), even an unscrupulous team would have to invest a lot to get by it. Change the encryption parameters and/or passwords on a race by race, or even day by day basis and even the most paranoid should feel safe.DaveKillens wrote:And then there is the issue of sabotage.