Article from "La Presse", published today: it does not mention Renault here, or on other articles about Villeneuve in the last week (that I could find...). I wonder where did the rumour appear. Can you give us the date for the newspapers clip you received? Anyway, interesting clue. The article does not refute G-rock clips, either. ... 7/CPSPORTS
The article says (well, if you call this a translation, my French is rusty):
Published on-line Monday, August 14.
2007 home?
Villeneuve decides to wait
Luc Domenjoz
The Press
Special collaboration
Jacques Villeneuve lets happy days pass with her wife Johanna in their apartment of the Kennedy Avenue, on the harbor of Monaco. He is on vacation. Moreover, even though he still has no contract for the 2007 season, he will not let anybody disturb these days of rest.
Last week, his employees had announced that they were going to decide very quickly what will happen in his future. However, whereas one waited for a press release for today or tomorrow, news will not probably come this week. «In the meantime, Jacques is thinking», disclose Yan Lefort, the press personal attaché of the Québecois pilot. «Nothing is definitely made, nor in a sense, nor in the other.»
According to Lefort, the NASCAR track did not advance since the last Grand Prix of Hungary. Jacques always negotiates with several teams, but nothing is yet signed. In F1, talks openings are less numerous, but the Quebecois is anxious to explore them in depth. «Jacques works a little, he receives some phone calls, but as everybody is on vacation in Europe, he also decided to have some. He is anxious to have a recess. »
In fact, it seems more and more likely that Villeneuve will decide, finally, to take a sabbatical year. To pass 2007 home would permit him to live the first year of his future baby quietly, while permitting him, possibly, to rebound in F1 - that remains his first choice - in 2008.
The Quebecois should take this decision of semi-retirement during the week, to announce it days before the Grand Prix of Turkey. «I will be present in Istanbul to clarify the situation. Moreover, I hope that Jacques will come with me. I will try to make him decide to come», concluded Lefort.
The indecision that weighs on his future, in any case, does not have the weight to influence on the state of mind of Villeneuve. An additional sign that make you think that a sabbatical year would not displease him.