Well, Principessa reports the same, based on no one else that Toyota itself.
There are other "very opinionated"
reports that the CVC (the owner of FIA majority shares) wants to float a bond based on future income. This cannot be done until the GPMA-FOM technical agreement is signed. Toyota has stated that they are against the engine freeze.
Then you have the idea that FOA has almost cancelled the
"Bernie bond", it may have
one billion stashed away in the bank, and it is about to distribute it to major shareholders.
I wonder

if this money is behind pressures to speed up the technical agreement... the communiqué goes the extra mile to prove that Toyota is here to stay.
The issue of future incomes is solved on paper, but the TV audience decays. Mr. Ecclestone statements about more entertainement needed on track gives you the sensation that the "disneyfication" is about to be completed.