kimi with mclaren

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kimi with mclaren



Kimi Rنikkِnen's plans to switch to Ferrari team are about to fail because of Michael Schumacher's will to continue his career with one more year.

The most likely option for Kimi is now to stay in McLaren who is organizing a new huge offer for the finnish star. McLaren is supposed to negotiate with Rنikkِnen and his managers about the new McLaren deal the latest during the Turkish GP in the end of August.

The surprising turn in Rنikkِnen's plans to go to another team was published in Friday's Urheilulehti (= Sport Magazine)

Kimi had a pre-contract with Ferrari for next year because Ferrari had counted on Schumacher to retire after this season. Now during the summer Schumacher has changed his mind. According to the magazine's sources Schumacher's only demand that he'd still continue racing is that Kimi would not become his teammate, that Felipe Massa would still drive in the team next year.

Ferrari has tried to solve the problem by planning that Rنikkِnen would drive in Renault team next season and then he'd switch to Ferrari team in 2008. By the team boss Flavio Briatore's sayings Renault still haven't lost their hope to get Rنikkِnen into their team but the most likely option for Kimi is to continue in McLaren

I don't think that M.Schumacher wants a teammate like Kimi... Michael wants teammate like Massa or Barrichello, who works for him!!!
Kimi doesn't work for anybody!!!
kimi is the best

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True, Kimi is like Chuck Norris! doesn't work for anybody

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MS has only done as well as he has because he has relied on RB and FM to block for him or pull over to let him pass.

Kimi would easily out drive MS in equal machinery.

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


gogglesp wrote:Kimi would easily out drive MS in equal machinery.
Irvine, Barrichello and Massa would too if they were allowed, especially Barichello and Massa.

Joined: 21 Dec 2005, 11:06

I don't normally rise to this type of thing, but...


tell me how any of the drivers mentioned can move over for MS unless it is to let him lap them?

Irvine, Barichello and Massa are all great drivers, but for speed and consistency they just don't make the grade against Schum. I can only recall one circuit where Schum has been regularly outclassed - Austria, by Ruby. I have no clue why, but on more or less any other circuit, on more or less any other day Schum will out-qualify and out-race any of his former team mates.

There are some more unqualified and unverifiable facts...

here's another... the smart rumour is that Schum will drive for Super Aguri next season, with Taku as No 1 driver... puhlease, stop the nonsense.

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manchild wrote:
gogglesp wrote:Kimi would easily out drive MS in equal machinery.
Irvine, Barrichello and Massa would too if they were allowed, especially Barichello and Massa.
"Whether you think you can or can't, either way you are right."
-Henry Ford-

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This is a logical outcome. Shu has always dictated that he is the premier driver, and the second driver is there only to support him. Why expect him to change now? And I'm sure that Kimi has stated clearly to any teams he has spoken to that he bows down to no other driver.
Considering how well Ferrari are doing, Michael could conceivably win two more titles. I'm sorry manchild, but sometimes reality and life sucks.
So Ferrari have two very distinct choices... stay with a great driver who can deliver day in and day out, or go with a younger driver who just might not be able to win like Michael Schumacher does.

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Let me give you the plain facts. Micheal has been driving an F1 car for some time now and he is ageing like everybody else. On equal machinery he will BEAT anydriver past or present who are or were in F1.

Sure he may not be able to win every single race, but thats not what we are saying

Many other drivers have favourite F1 courses and are hard to beat by any driver, but if you lay it all out in a consistant package then MS is 2.5 seconds and beyond any other driver.. plain and simple


Everyones an F1 expert........

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saam wrote: Many other drivers have favourite F1 courses and are hard to beat by any driver, but if you lay it all out in a consistant package then MS is 2.5 seconds and beyond any other driver.. plain and simple
How Consistant was that last year?

I think the 2.5 seconds is abit of an exageration. But i will admit in the Package has been fast. For whatever reasons that is.

Can We not get back onto the Micheal could beat anybody/Micheal is a god, stuff cus we all know where is ends up.

I think Kimi will end up at ferrari, becasue whenever Micheal, They will do what they did for him to kimi. And Which f1 drivers would not want a team that is based Solely around them???
I believe in the chain of command, Its the chain I use to beat you till you do what i want!!!

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manchild wrote:
gogglesp wrote:
Kimi would easily out drive MS in equal machinery.

Irvine, Barrichello and Massa would too if they were allowed, especially Barichello and Massa.
Not at all, remember Suzuka last year? all kimi could do was to eat the heat thrown off by Schumi's engine for some 8 - 10 laps, and that wasnt even equal machinery :lol: :lol: :lol:

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manchild wrote:
Irvine, Barrichello and Massa would too if they were allowed, especially Barichello and Massa.
Manchild I am not a Schumacher/Ferrari fan and I fell no
commitment to defeat Schumacher but please stop
writing those anti Schumacher/Ferrari posts.
Nobody needs them. :evil:

Schumacher is a driving legend he got the titel " :!: 7 :!: " times.
And is still wining and driving against the best drivers of the world.
Do you think this is only possible because of luck or cheating
or because his teammates let him win.

There is one reson for this
:arrow: hard work
and nothing else.

He does not only work at the weekends for a few hours,
he has for sure a lot of work to do in the backround
(team meetings, technical discusions, motivating the team
members and keeping the whole team on a absolute high standart
for years.)

Ferrari would not be there where they are withoud him.
And Formula one would not be what it is today.
But this is not visible in TV.

And If a teammate is able to follow him during the race
than is this possible because Schumacher is not driving 100%
of his ability.

For example Hockenheim:
both drivers where never driving 100%
but Massa was maybe driving 95%
and Schumacher only 85%.

Furthermore it's not only importand if you can drive
one perfect fast lap.
It's more importand if you can drive a hole race with
perfect laps at the limit.

I was many times at a race live and there you see some
things you don't see at TV.

Schumacher is always driving a perfect line.

I am a McLaren and Kimi fan but at Hockenheim I
was surprised how much mistakes Kimi (and others )
made in the corner I was.

This morning I am sitting in front of my Pc and a few things on
my heart for no reason.
Maybe you feel the same unreasonable hearts when you
are saying Schumacher is getting older.
But he is training al day long insted of sitting in front of a Pc,
and so not everybody gets older in the same speed.
Beeing a god race car depends not only from fitnes.

Joined: 06 Jun 2005, 15:29


saam wrote:Let me give you the plain facts. Micheal has been driving an F1 car for some time now and he is ageing like everybody else. On equal machinery he will BEAT anydriver past or present who are or were in F1
So, you are saying that Michael could beat Nuvolari in an 8CM? Or Senna in the MP4/4 or Clark in a 49 or Moss in a Maser? Arse....... :roll:
saam wrote:MS is 2.5 seconds and beyond any other driver.. plain and simple
No he isn't

Back to Kimi........the solid rumours consistently place him at Ferrari - with or without MS. I must admit I cannot see what MS would gain from lining up against Kimi; if MS stays for another year, we must assume that Kimi goes elsewhere. McLaren remains a possibility, but no more than Renault (IMHO)

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manchild wrote: Irvine, Barrichello and Massa would too if they were allowed, especially Barichello and Massa.
That is massively far from reality IMHO. Tell me how many times have massa and barrichello beaten schmi in qualifying ? (Or will you continue on this insane line and claim that team orders apply to qualyfying as well :?: or will you suggest that MS's team mates had inferior cars :roll: :?: )

Look at how he massacres his teammates. This one is about Herbert's story >>

DC, Damon, and others have all admitted that MS is the fastest guy thay have ever known.

There was another similar brake & throttle usage graph comparison at several circuits for Schumi and Barrichello that was published in F1 Racing mag some time back (2003 or 2004). How i wish somebody can find and post that and pop some dreamy bubbles.
Last edited by Lightspeed on 16 Aug 2006, 13:48, edited 4 times in total.

Joined: 20 Jan 2005, 04:02


saam wrote:Let me give you the plain facts. Micheal has been driving an F1 car for some time now and he is ageing like everybody else. On equal machinery he will BEAT anydriver past or present who are or were in F1.
I respectfully disagree.

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Well it's a transition for future seasons, why would Kimi be bothered by Michael? Kimi knows that Schumacher's not going to stay much longer and when he does leave, Kimi will have the team working as he wants it and Ferrari can bring in another "rear-gunner" to help Kimi. That's how Ferrari have been so successful over the past few years and I can't see why they would change when it works so well.