Adverts 2024

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Adverts 2024


Hi all,

After last years troublesome ads partnership that we eventually ended ourselves we are now trying another partner. Hence I created a separate topic.

They are experimenting a bit at the moment so ads may vary a bit in terms of location.

You will also notice a new cookie popup. I've removed this small one we had because that's no longer compliant with EU rules anyway. This one is.

Any feedback is welcome!

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Re: Adverts 2024



First few I seen today on mobile. A little irritating loading up the ‘top’ of a page.

Especially given it gives such a small space to begin scrolling the page without clicking the advert. One top or bottom when at the top of a page would work better in my opinion rather than both
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Re: Adverts 2024


The popup ad at the bottom of the page is very annoying

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Re: Adverts 2024


Mobile or computer?
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Re: Adverts 2024


hollus wrote:
06 Jan 2024, 23:46
Mobile or computer?

One at top on computer (when I enabled ads - hides the top navigation bar that holds when scrolling.

Way over the top placement, again. If there's a insisting for a ad, my option would be a fixed NARROW one between say post 1 and post 2 of the topic. No more. There is literally nothing worse than trying to browse a website and being bombarded by adverts popping up left right and centre.

My laptop has 15cm visible web page when used in chrome with the bookmarks bar. Top ad takes up 30mm of that and the bottom ad 20mm. Seriously no need for a advert that takes up 20% of the screen.

Thank the lord for ad blockers.
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Re: Adverts 2024


Hi all, thanks for the input.
It's for both desktop and mobile. They layout adapts to screen size but we don't actively service different output. The site does not detect the devise before building the page.

Like chrisc I am also of the opinion that a website should be about the content and not the ads. Many websites are overloaded and I agree currently it is the case here too. However, looking at it the other way, the reason why ad companies try to get as many ads as possible is partly due to ad blockers as less people get to see them so for those who do accept them, ad companies think it's fine to push just a bit further.

If you like this site, I would really hope you whitelist it for ads and continue give your feedback as we try to find a decent balance. I'm happy to listen and adapt. Those who are here long enough should know that ad load has always been reasonable (except perhaps first half of next year).

As for the "popup banner at the bottom", you mean the sticky one that stays while scrolling? That one has been there for a year and was left there because in the Ads 2023 thread this was considered acceptable.

Top of page is too big in your screenshot above, I agree.

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Re: Adverts 2024


This is what I get with the ad-blocker turned off whilst navigating the forum, auto jumping to new posts etc.

Scrolling through a desktop, the fixed ad at the end of a topic seems good in its placement. Yes its the biggest one, but its not in the way of anything. The next/previous page numbers are still there and its only similar topics and bottom navigation links after the ad; likely a uncommonly used part of the site for people catching up on content.

Other option I can possibly think of working is either a 'membership' option that will remove all, or most of the ads (maybe leave one at the bottom where its out the way). Maybe could be £/$/€5,10 which goes towards the running of the site, or maybe even a small donation link at the bottom for those who prefer to use a adblocker. (Must admit mine only runs on a desktop and Chrome on IOS allows ads given there doesn't seem to be a option to stop them. Granted works on a goodwill for people to support the site who use a ad-blocker.

I think I said it before somewhere, possibly. Those longer standing members who post up more content etc are helping the site evolve and become better which becomes more attractive to others who could be likely to bring in ad revenue. Is a couple of pence of displaying ads on their screen worth more than the content they bring, if those people opt to block ads on the site? Obviously such metrics would be impossible to work out, but sometimes its a case of the rough with the smooth.
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Greg Locock
Greg Locock
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Re: Adverts 2024


Slashdot and other websites have the option of disabling ads for contributors with high scores. This makes sense to me as annoying the people who make the site worth visiting seems counterproductive, and don't get me wrong, all ads are somewhat annoying, especially when you are on limited paid-for data plans ($5/Gb) with crummy download speeds.

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Re: Adverts 2024


I find the adverts excessive and they cause issues with browsing the website, especially on a mobile.

The previous adverts that moved were also bad, but I think these are worse.

Could you have a membership where you pay to not have adverts?

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Re: Adverts 2024


The advert placement has made the site unusable on desktop for me. The adverts at the side intrude upon the ability to read people's posts properly.

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Re: Adverts 2024


taperoo2k wrote:
10 Jan 2024, 22:51
The advert placement has made the site unusable on desktop for me. The adverts at the side intrude upon the ability to read people's posts properly.
Can you take a screenshot of "adverts at the side"? You mean in forum?

Currently on the forum I get one ad above the breadcrumbs (this is not ideal and will change), and one sticky at the bottom. Is it different for any of you?

The ads overlapping the menu, as reported by chrisc90 should be gone now btw.

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Re: Adverts 2024


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Re: Adverts 2024


I would vastly prefer pitching in a couple bucks a month to be able to turn off ads. They take up so much screen real estate and cause so much jumping up and down.

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Re: Adverts 2024


BigBeansBoy wrote:
18 Jan 2024, 03:51
I would vastly prefer pitching in a couple bucks a month to be able to turn off ads. They take up so much screen real estate and cause so much jumping up and down.
Agreed man. Finding a good partner that does what I want is difficult apparently....

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Re: Adverts 2024


I can read stuff fine, but the js has crashed chrome on a few occasions.
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