Does anybody have a table with the tracks where GPs were held?
You do not have to read the following (long, as usual) explanation of why I need that info:
I have this (maybe) interesting table, from the statistics kept for many years by Brian Lawrence at Usenet in It contains the number of overtakes per GP. "Brian rules" are:
Only "genuine" overtakes are counted. This means Brian counts every overtake, except:
a) any place changes made during pit stops
b) all lapping/unlapping manoeuvres
c) any changes during the first lap
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Grand Prix 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 99 98 97
1. Bahrain 39 14 15 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2. Malaysia 16 7 20 16 27 47 31 11 -- --
3. Australia 23 5 9 38 19 18 13 41 7 3
4. San Marino 4 7 6 4 6 13 7 11 8 5
5. Europe/Lux. 13 24 11 8 27 7 28 33 6 11
6. Spain 7 3 7 19 10 10 4 4 12 36
7. Monaco 19 10 5 0 9 6 2 5 4 29
8. Britain 6 8 11 49 47 7 8 13 44 7
9. Canada 9 12 19 8 15 13 14 14 10 22
10. USA 5 0 16 36 21 21 51 -- -- --
11. France 5 5 14 12 3 8 17 43 17 7
12. Germany 21 9 29 14 25 15 42 16 10 14
13. Hungary 32 12 6 25 1 5 10 7 11 28
14. Turkey 25 30 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
15. Italy 12 14 38 5 20 19 18 14 28 4
16. China -- 20 17 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
17. Japan -- 12 21 20 2 17 8 4 19 9
18. Brazil -- 6 41 48 30 26 22 27 13 32
--. Argentina -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 11 39
--. Austria -- -- -- 20 18 17 20 30 29 21
--. Belgium -- 28 22 -- 5 8 16 15 11 51
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Grand Prix Tot Avg
1. Bahrain 68 23
2. Malaysia 175 22
3. Australia 176 18
4. San Marino 71 7
5. Europe/Lux. 168 17
6. Spain 112 11
7. Monaco 89 9
8. Britain 200 20
9. Canada 136 14
10. USA 150 21
11. France 131 13
12. Germany 195 20
13. Hungary 137 14
14. Turkey 55 28
15. Italy 172 17
16. China 37 19
17. Japan 112 12
18. Brazil 245 27
--. Argentina 50 25
--. Austria 155 22
--. Belgium 156 20
Thanks in advance to the obsessed soul that can (and want to) help. Anyway, this table could be interesting next time that you discuss OT on F1. In the remote case somebody thinks this is useful, I post also the total and the average number of OT per race for each year:
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Yr. '06 '05 '04 '03 '02 '01 '00 '99 '98 '97
Tot 236 226 307 322 285 257 311 288 240 318
Avg 16 12 17 20 17 15 18 18 15 20