pompelmo wrote:
And is there (who has a cfd program) some kind enough to rum me a simulation of a sphere in motion (R=10cm)..for slow speeds (laminar flow) and high speed (turbolent flow) and send me pistures of flow vectors, pressure arround the sphere.....in gas (air) and in water ("non-flexibele" fluid)
One of the books anybody with an interest in fluid dynamics should spend lot of time looking at is Milton Van Dike “An album of fluid motion”. Look for it at your Uni library, they certainly have it. You’ll find several visualizations of a quantity of experiments subsonic and supersonic, on cylinders, spheres, airfoils, bullets etc etc.
At first they will all look to you just as nice pictures, but after a while you’ll grasp the intrinsic meaning of each one and understand quite a lot about what a fluid likes to do.