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i dont know about you but i think Frank Williams has got to be the most inspirational man in f1 not only because how long he stayed in F1 but how he kept Williams F1 alive during his accident and beyond to present day.
Schumi the greatest will always live on in our memories
must agree mate. what he's been through would send lesser men to madness
not only did he have to cope with his accident, but he also had to cope with a driver he long admired being killed in one of his cars. sure that FW was on the verge of quitting then
Sir Francis Owen Garbatt Williams CBE, Chevalier of France's Legion d'honneur, for starters.
The most successful privateer in racing, as well as a man who does not surrender. A determined, unassuming man who loves his nation and racing.
I have the greatest respect for Uncle Frank... He is one of the most inspirational characters around. I don't always agree with him, but he is someone whose opinion is worth listening to. There are not too many people around like that.
I didn't realise he demanded so much respect on the forum, we always seem to be ridiculing team owners, esspecially privateers like Ron, Frank and Stoddy, but they're the guys that made F1 the sucess it is today. without them there would be no underdog to support and no one to find the upcoming stars. Williams and Mclaren have evolved far beyond that of course, now the teams who take the apprentice to their first win and even championship. These guys are heros and Frank more than any, he adds a human link to the role of team manager yet he still has one of the best oiled machines in the paddock.
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.
I could not agree more with what has been said I still have the program made of him and Williams in the winter of 1992 1993 season it was called Extraordinary Pepole it gave a insite on how he ran is team and how he delt with the aftermath of Nigel Mansells retirment.
Well, I'm a big Williams fan and have the greatest respect the Sir Frank and Patrick Head.
These guys are racers to the core - cut them and they bleed petrol.
I so much want them to produce a decent car this year.............
The big shame is that a couple of years ago Williams were still very much considered a top-three player (even if theor performance wasn't where it should be) - after last year I'd be pleased if they could just move up the mid-field a little. How things change in F1.......
I really admire Frank, although I don't agree with many of his decisions. Specially with what he made to Reutemann (not only because I'm Argentinean).
Does anybody know any link to the comments Windsor made about the accident? What happened?
I remember reading somewhere that while Frank was being rescued from the wreckage he kept talking about what the team should be doing.
Williams is still in the top three, IMHO. Even McLaren and Ferrari had had awful seasons and they're in the top three.
"I've already altered the deal, pray I don't alter it any further" -Darth Vader to Lando Calrissian. The Empire Strikes Back.
"Progress is not always made by reasonable men." (McLaren Racing).
"We have optimised the lateral optical interface of the building." (Translation: "My factory has a lot of windows.") Ron Dennis.-
Williams was driving, too fast by his own admitance, back from a test in France at the Paul Ricard circuit, coming back down one of the mountain roads he slid off the road and rolled, with the impact directly on his head it crushed some vertebra (I can find out which if you like) and left him paralysed. Apart from that they were both uninjured.
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.
It would be nice if we could get Sir Frank Williams to give an interview on how he sees the state of F1 and in the direction that Max mosley is taking the sport.
I too am in a wheelchair paralysed from the neck down playing rugby, and as a mechanical engineer interested in motorsport I would add my admiration for Sir Frank and his achievments. If you think what he has done is hard, try multiplying it buy 1000.
To be honest he has to be one of the greatest inspirations to the world because he proved that disabilities doesnt stop a man from achieving their dreams and continuing what they love to do
Schumi the greatest will always live on in our memories