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There were comments about this matter on few occassions, but is Bernie good or bad for this sport?
He changed suzuka, messed with Spa few times, demolishes European Grand Prix's( the heart of f1), sells F1 to countries who's culture has basically nothing to do with motorsport and so on...
He is now inventing more street and night races... Yes it's cool, but how long? New tracks are cool, but how long? Who now enjoys Bahrain, except Bernies wallet?
I'm sure night race must be exciting to watch, but is it really the nature of F1? I don't know, so I want to ask you.
Is Monaco still going to be old excting street race after valencia and singapore.
I know that true motorsport fan is intrinsically motivated to enjoy a good race on any (racing) track and doesn't really need any extra glamour.
Bernie may try to project the attitude that he is an enthusiast (and is, as long as it does not conflict with his material greed) but he's there to sell and market a sport. It's all about money, baby.
As far as new tracks in new places (especially Asia), I saw this coming over ten years ago when the anti-tobacco laws started to influence sponsors. Tobacco sponsorship still is a huge chunk of money, and considering the difference between the European Union and (generally) Asia when it comes to advertising, it's logical to expect the tobacco companies to promote venues where they have more freedom in displaying their advertising. Expect this trend to continue.
Formula One has always been in a constant state of change. Cars, regulations, and tracks have come and gone, very little carries from decade to decade.
As far as the state of health of F1 and whether Bernie is ruining it, we need to examine it's prosperity and fan enthusiasm. The truth is, it's doing just great. It's truly global, and each race, millions upon millions tune in to watch. Generally, it has been steadily growing and increasing the fan base. Of course, the Schumacher era was a temporary step backward with such little true competition, but now that he's gone, we shall see more exciting, closer, harder, tougher competition that can only bring even more fans and cause the sport to grow even more. Think about it, right now we have a scenario where any one of four drivers can win the title, and two manufacturers duking it out for their title. And next year promises to be even more interesting.
Europe is still the home and center of Formula One, but even that is changing. I would not be surprised to see some teams (most likely the Japanese) move their operations out of Europe and back to their home nation. It's all part of the trend to globalize the sport. And personally, I welcome the new nations and fans who have recently embraced this sport.
The sport has matured and grown, and is moving out of the nest.
Venom wrote:Who now enjoys Bahrain, except Bernies wallet?
I'm sure most enjoy races on Bahrain more than on some "good old european tracks", like say Hungary. Not that we've ever really seen a good race on Barcelona either.
I just hope the new Singapore track won't be like Monaco, where you just can't find your way past a lot slower car.
Bernie has done a lot. Good and bad. But in the end it's more good than bad. Think about his whole career and what F1 used to be before that. Who knows what someone else might've done, but it could be a lot worse.
Formula 1, 57, died Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007
Born May 13, 1950, in Silverstone, United Kingdom
Will be held in the hearts of millions forever
Rest In Peace, we will not forget you
Venom wrote:There were comments about this matter on few occassions, but is Bernie good or bad for this sport?He changed suzuka, messed with Spa few times, demolishes European Grand Prix's( the heart of f1), sells F1 to countries who's culture has basically nothing to do with motorsport and so on...He is now inventing more street and night races... Yes it's cool, but how long? New tracks are cool, but how long? Who now enjoys Bahrain, except Bernies wallet?I'm sure night race must be exciting to watch, but is it really the nature of F1? I don't know, so I want to ask you.Is Monaco still going to be old excting street race after valencia and singapore.I know that true motorsport fan is intrinsically motivated to enjoy a good race on any (racing) track and doesn't really need any extra glamour.
He s certainly not destroying the sport, bringing in new tracks is not destruction...motorsport culture is not there in every country from the beginning, it is developed slowly and steadily. The Bahrain GP was as good as other GPs this year, what is it that you did nt like...even the rare sight of a Mclaren being left behind by a BMW Sauber was there..also, many o.t. manouevers happened, certainly most of the ppl enjoyed it and not just Berinie's wallet. Night race ll be exciting in Singapore, im looking forward to it, and even India & Russia are gonna host GPs soon, it wont be that bad, coz motorsport culture is present in India, but big events like F1, GP2,WRC dont take place here...when they do, boy oh boy, there s gonna be one helluva 'culture' then!!you d be surprised.
“Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary...that’s what gets you.” - JC