I've already posted this, but maybe you want to take another look

By coincidence, one car was close to 107% in Australia, and the current backmarkers seem to be around 104% (when compared with cars in race trim).
Fool of me, I never thought that not everybody was aware of the "old" rule for "empty tanks, flat-out" qualies, decided on the last couple of laps, with the chance of obstructing other drivers or being obstructed subtly, that some people liked so much...
Now I think about that, this was a pretty constant "flavor" of F-1: before this kind of "unjust but highly emotive" qualy was discarded
there was a clear rule about what an F1 team was or wasn't.
There were no talks about "pinnacles" then: too many excellent racing teams had tried and failed.
Some people is famous for never making it: I find interesting (and defining) that no one less than
Aguri Suzuki tried like, I don't know, 17 times in one season and never, ever made it.
Other pilots were "loved" only for trying... We have
http://f1rejects.com/ in their memory.

Well, not exactly, but you get the point.