Third GP weekend in a row... getting "hungry" Michael?
If Michael was driving this years Ferrari then he would likely be leading the WDC quite comfortably right now.
No superiour Michelins to compete with...
I agree with the third option you mentioned, MS should definately not comeback, he has nothing left to do/accomplish as a driver.Saribro wrote: You left out the option "Please god no".
And seriously, you're asking for a flamewar...
Ah, but here's the thing Torso, lets imagine for a second that the one you know as Michael Schumacher isn't real, he's a figment of your imagination, you should really go to the doctor about 'him,' although that might raise some awkward questions, i.e. have you ever taken illegal or non perscribed drugs etc. and IF you have and IF its illegal where you are and IF the judge is harsh on you then perhaps the wonderful world of F1 would become pretty much invisible to you from your padded cell. Its a far out unlikely chance and is almost certain never to happen, yet it is made pssible by that same ridiculous word you so regularely repeat, IF.If Michael was driving this years Ferrari then he would likely be leading the WDC quite comfortably right now.
U obviously know a lot about the effects of illigal drugs....Tom wrote:Torso TrolledAh, but here's the thing Torso, lets imagine for a second that the one you know as Michael Schumacher isn't real, he's a figment of your imagination, you should really go to the doctor about 'him,' although that might raise some awkward questions, i.e. have you ever taken illegal or non perscribed drugs etc. and IF you have and IF its illegal where you are and IF the judge is harsh on you then perhaps the wonderful world of F1 would become pretty much invisible to you from your padded cell. Its a far out unlikely chance and is almost certain never to happen, yet it is made pssible by that same ridiculous word you so regularely repeat, IF.If Michael was driving this years Ferrari then he would likely be leading the WDC quite comfortably right now.
Now *Taking on the voice of a fictional hero of mine, Dr Cox* do you see where I'm going with this? yes? no? maybe, perhaps, IF? How can you not see how annoying you re-he-hearly are?