My halfwit of a Mrs used to regularly download music for her phone from less than trustworthy sites with no anti virus software in place. It came to the point where the laptop was an absoloute mess, playing up all the time with an mind of its own. Her dad suggested he give it to an 'I.T. expert' that he knew, who proceeded to wipe the entire memory of this poor defenceless laptop off the face of the earth. This resulted in two things. 1) Laptop back to normal and back to its old self (minus anything ever installed or downloaded onto it) and 2), no matter what she tried she could not connect to the internet. Five calls to India later some guy tells her that her modem is shot and that she will need another one. She takes this opportunity to upgrade to wireless broadband with B.T. It has turned up today and still will not connect. Another phone call to Bomby later and she is told that her I.P. address has been erased. (her words to mine) Any way, sorry for the long drawn out back ground story folks but what are her options here. Does anyone in I.T. have any experiance of this and / or know what she has to do now to get up and running because I'm getting it in the ear for not knowing?
Thanks in advance, Russ.