first off he says its press intrusion causing him to move, not tax reasons, now this
you really could not make it up
It would sell off 10% of its shares for about $100m, giving Lewis a lump sum now, while shareholders would draw a regular dividend on his earnings as his career progresses.
From Hamilton’s point of view it makes perfect sense because global sporting icons have a limited shelf life and, especially in F1, can see their hopes dashed by accident or injury.
The Hamilton plc idea would be a genuinely radical venture.
Although the likes of David Bowie and James Brown have raised money by selling bonds against their future earnings, those bonds were based on future royalties from albums they had already recorded – as distinct from races and championships Hamilton has yet to win.
yeah.he is making the most of this status and popularity.But sooner or later he will have to pay for it.We have had many such over hyped drivers and all of them vanished when the time came to perform.D wrote:Personally, I think it's a bloody clever idea to make money off of/for Hamilton.
Maybe it's precisely the dangers of F1 that made him want to get his money while he can, which is fair enough.
As much as I think he's a bit of a smarmy/lying bastard... I can't hate him for doing what's best for himself and his family.
I'd say it's a well-played move.
Doesn't even need to be a crash. it could just be walking accross a pavement.ginsu wrote: Stay focused Lewis, don't forget where you came from, because you maybe back there before you know it, all it takes is a crash that breaks something important and your career is completely over.