I'm new to this forum and i've found quite a few forum which have really helped me, so sorry if you're a member of the others and you've already seen my messages.
I'm 16 and currently doing my A levels (in my first year) at Colchester County High School Sixth Form. I'm studying Maths, Physics, French, Spanish and Critical Thinking. I love motorsport and have been going racing since I was 4, i'm part of a Ministox and National Hot Rod team and hopefully a Superstox in the summer. I try and help out wherever I can and travel across the country with them whilst learning on the way. I also took part in the Greenpower Car Formula 24 racing with my secondary school, as team leader, we reached the finals for the 4 years of racing, and i thoroughly enjoyed my time doing so. Although i've left the school i'm still staying part of the team and going to help out, but i'd love to start a Formula 35 race team, but my college isn't really interested.
I have wanted to do Motorsport Engineering at university for as long as i can remember and would love to have a career in Formula One, one day in the future. I know Engineering is a difficult career to enter, especially for women, and i'm worried how the boys will react, whether they'll be helpful or say "this is a man's course" but i want a career in something i have a real passion for and something that is always challenging. As many other people i'd love to work in Formula One, and i'm determined to pursue my dream however hard this means i have to work.
I'd love to race for myself one day, but at the moment, trying to juggle A Levels and a race car, as well as trying to convince mum and dad "it really isn't dangerous" or "it's just as dangerous as horse riding" really isn't working in my favour.
I have applied for a "Headstart" Engineering course which takes place at the end of June/Beginning of July where you spend 4 or 5 days at a university exploring the different aspects of engineering and hopefully this will help me decide which areas i would enjoy working in the most. By doing as much as i can to do with Motorsport, i'm hoping the university i would like to go to will realise that just because i don't race myself it's not through lack of passion or trying and that i'm willing to give up my time and effort to achieve what i want.
As well as looking for work experience, i've had a few offers and am going to follow them up, i'm looking at universities, and i know there are a lot of people at Oxford Brookes but i think that's a bit too clever for me, i was looking at Brunel, Hertfordshire, Birmingham, Bristol and Southampton. Does anybody know which ones are best or have any advice?
I am off for my first Grand Prix in August this year to Valencia and hopefully this will fuel my enthusiasm and passion for Motorsport.
I'm sorry this is so long =[
My email/msn is x_x_bladie_gurl_racer_x_x@hotmail.co.uk if anyone has any suggestions.
Thank you =]
Hope-Elise ♥