The UK job application culture

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The UK job application culture


If anyone can shed some light, it'd be great help :)

I am writing several applications to teams based in the UK (across the Atlantic for me), and all the ads state "please send application with salary expectations..."

Is this a trap / filter, or is it a norm to state a numerical figure for applications? We almost NEVER put in a salary expectation in our applications over here in US/Canada, and even when asked during interviews, sometimes it's better to dance around the question carefully.

How much do junior engineers make over there on teams that compete in GT / Touring car series? (National and Int'l series)

Joined: 22 Jun 2004, 14:45
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Re: The UK job application culture


Personally I think the behavior of UK firms to ask that is all wrong.

You are applying to work for them and they know what they value a job at, if you're the right man/woman for the job then they should pay you what the role deserves...

They should explain what they are looking for and what they are willing to pay, if you're applying then the salery must be ok with you.

It's no help to you I'm afraid but I feel the practice is wrong.

Personally I leave this field blank, but I'm not recommending this route.
- Axle

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Re: The UK job application culture


Well any answer is better than no answer :) Thanks Axle.

I was left with a bunch of question marks over my head when I saw the ad. So I figure better be safe than sorry and ask around on what the usual practice is lol.

Joined: 22 Jun 2004, 14:45
Location: Norfolk, UK

Re: The UK job application culture


If you work for a team and know your US$ wage...1/2 it to take care of the currancy conversion to GBP£.

Hopefully some guys on here will give you an idea of wage expectation in the UK...I work in a whole other industry so am no use.
- Axle

Joined: 13 Feb 2006, 07:43

Re: The UK job application culture


I heard 25-30k (in GBP) would be the amount you can expect from renault if you are to start as a junior aerodynamicist in their team.

I also hear that you can add another 5000 if you are applying for toyota, though I cant be sure if that aint sarcastic. :|

But 25-30 would be a safe amount as the usual starting salary in Uk seems to be around 23-24K !

I do not know anyone from any other profession and therefore no idea on those... sry.

to state the obvious, the figure you select from this range depends on your previous experience(motorsport teams, Fsae etc ). If none start from 25. move higher with more 'previous-work-experience'........!

Joined: 17 Jan 2006, 11:32

Re: The UK job application culture


Entry would be anything from around 20 thousand - which is pretty dismal. Pay is rubbish for the rediculous hours in the UK for F1 teams as if you don't like it there's plenty more engineers happy to take your place.

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Re: The UK job application culture


Here there are in general some companies that ask how much do you pretend to earn and other who doesnt.
They ask that question cause they want to know if you over/under rate yourself but I think its stupid cause there are better and more ethical ways to find out that.

In an interview I had once the first question was that, even I was not fully aware of all responsabilities of the job, so I though "what a hell" and answered "1 million a month unless my life is in risk, then it would be arround 10 million".
The interviewer began to laugh, now ice had been broken and it all went on right, they offered the job, but then I was not interested. We all lost time because they didn´t specify well the type of job, I would not had applied if I knew right what they wanted.
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Re: The UK job application culture


I had to call them up this morning just to make sure what the deadline was. Same job posting, two different deadlines on ads from two different sources #-o

It wasn't a F1 outfit, as it's never my ambition career-wise to be in F1. From an engineering point of view, sports car racing seems to allow more freedom and creativity than F1.

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Re: The UK job application culture


You could try being a bit tounge in cheek and putting something like 'whatever you're willing to give me' but I've never been any good at aplications, or interviews for that matter.
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Re: The UK job application culture


Can I suggest something like "I would expect the usual market price for this type of position" or something to that nature so you don't short-change yourself either way. And obviously, find out what the "average" is! I wouldn't write an actual "number" down because if someone comes along who has similar qualities to you and is willing to do the job for less... who do you think they will pick?

It's a sly question, so it deserves a sly answer.

I wouldn't suggest "cracking wise" on an application form as that would seem rather inappropriate but it can be used to break the ice (as one of the guys here mentioned) during an interview. You should really play it by the ear on that one.

Good luck!
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