What about Formula 1.5?

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What about Formula 1.5?


I was talking a bit to a friend of mine about the F1 regs last night, and it gave me an idea.

What if there was to be an introduction of F1.5? F1.5 would be the teams that currently run in F1. Its practice, qualifying and race all immediately follow the F1 schedule, so the teams actually tun 2 races per weekend, thus doubling the TV time.

F1.5's entire purpose would be for introductory technology for F1. So it would be voluntary on a team basis, and could even go as far as if a team runs both series, they only run 1 car per series, so they would split the 2 car teams. F1.5 sould be where the introduction of new technology would come first. Aero bits as well as AWD, TMD and what ever else the teams can dream of. They would run on slicks, and be the same chassis that is run in F1, but be developed with the intention of proving concepts as well as a test ground for future F1 regs.

I have thought quite a bit about it, and I think that it would be a super draw for marketing. The teams share info between the series' and STILL pave the way to future technology. The FIA/FOM benefit from the co-series due to more excitement per weekend, as well as the extended media coverage from such a mixture.

I dunno, what would the cost be to run a siamese series like F1.5? Would it really cost any more?

Thoughts are welcome!


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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


a creative idea!

my hunch is from a marketing and business point of view it would not work. business works with focus and not with dilution. answer yourself some basic questions?

who would like to support something expansive like that from the teams, if it absorbs resources that are needed for the WDC?
who would want to watch it?
who would sponsor it?
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


Why would teams want to share there new technologies with each other races are not won by losing your competitive advantage. Also what good would testing out side of the rules do for anybody. F1 cars are built to optimize the rule book not test new tech.

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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


I could see the F1.5 viewership easily overtaking that of F1. And the budgets doubling. Although there're many technologies that could produce the same speeds for ALOT less money, the teams w/ the money will find a way to spend it.

Unless the technologies are allowed in F1 at the same time, it seems it would be more effective to run 2 cars in F1 (doubles the chance of winning, gives option of using #2 driver as rolling roadblock) and develop the new technologies behind the scenes (as is currently done) based on expected rule changes in F1 (at least until F1.5 becomes the more popular of the 2 leagues...).

Showing potentially dominant speed in F1.5 would lead to other teams also developing the same technology for the start of the "that technology is allowed" season. Developing it behind closed doors at least gives You a 1/2 season headstart.

I'd say the teams running F1.5 are eligible to enter F1 but cannot run both simultaneously. Of course You'd only end up w/ alot of Red Bull (F1)- Torro Rosso (F1.5) combinations but I think at least initially it would allow the ProDrives & Cosworths to get their feet in the door. Then again teams could just end up using the Torro-Rosso-type F1.5 teams as a test team to add to the test & development mileage of their F1 teams, while developing the new technologies behind the scenes as usual. Argh. The pitfalls of modern engineering...



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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


Conceptual wrote:... and could even go as far as if a team runs both series, they only run 1 car per series, so they would split the 2 car teams. ...

I dunno, what would the cost be to run a siamese series like F1.5? Would it really cost any more?
Are you serious? Who would watch a 10 car race?
With a bunch of new complex tecnology you can´t ask about cost...
Don´t you know what happened in F1 till 1993 and then to 1994? Rally group B in the 80´s? Anything?

You are dreaming man, that can never happen...
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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


bettonracing wrote:I could see the F1.5 viewership easily overtaking that of F1. And the budgets doubling. Although there're many technologies that could produce the same speeds for ALOT less money, the teams w/ the money will find a way to spend it.

Unless the technologies are allowed in F1 at the same time, it seems it would be more effective to run 2 cars in F1 (doubles the chance of winning, gives option of using #2 driver as rolling roadblock) and develop the new technologies behind the scenes (as is currently done) based on expected rule changes in F1 (at least until F1.5 becomes the more popular of the 2 leagues...).

Showing potentially dominant speed in F1.5 would lead to other teams also developing the same technology for the start of the "that technology is allowed" season. Developing it behind closed doors at least gives You a 1/2 season headstart.

I'd say the teams running F1.5 are eligible to enter F1 but cannot run both simultaneously. Of course You'd only end up w/ alot of Red Bull (F1)- Torro Rosso (F1.5) combinations but I think at least initially it would allow the ProDrives & Cosworths to get their feet in the door. Then again teams could just end up using the Torro-Rosso-type F1.5 teams as a test team to add to the test & development mileage of their F1 teams, while developing the new technologies behind the scenes as usual. Argh. The pitfalls of modern engineering...



Maybe it would be worth the expense if they can "test" new products in a competitive manner without the scrutineers stopping them.

I agree that F1.5 would garner more viewership as well, and that alone would pull the sponsors in. I like the idea of F1 being manufacturers only while F1.5 would be privateer teams with factory backing.

The racing would be historic, and the technology fast coming. And the testbed for technical regulations.

I love the idea, and I think others will as well...lol


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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


This idea, of an F1.5, has been floating around in my mind for a while.

What if, instead of a seperate championship, why not have a single race ever few years. just to show what can be done with tech development.

I would like to see them prove that an F1 car can, as is claimed, drive along the ceiling while upside down! Scalectrix style race-track anyone?
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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


upside down would be cool. But you could never have actual racing - can you imagine what would happen if there was a crash? Then again... clear tunnels... they can overtake a grounded car whilst on the ceiling. That would be an awesome spectacle. :-)

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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


Liked the idea, but I believe that WhiteBlue's is right about the financial point of it.

Anyway, here's my opinion... How about a Formula N, resembling the madness of Rally group N?

Less mechanical restriction in cars, less aerodynamics and drivers with balls of steel?

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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


tarzoon wrote:Liked the idea, but I believe that WhiteBlue's is right about the financial point of it.

Anyway, here's my opinion... How about a Formula N, resembling the madness of Rally group N?

Less mechanical restriction in cars, less aerodynamics and drivers with balls of steel?
I believe for it to be viable in any aspect, it would need to have a direct tie to Formula 1 development, or else there wouldnt be any incentive for the teams to participate.

Like, they could freeze the 2008 regs for 2009, and introduce F1.5 with the proposed current 2009 regs, you could have double the spectacle, and have a test ground for development that can lead directly to F1. Make it a feeder series for technology like GP2 is a feeder series for drivers. I think the ratings would be VERY favorable, and the racing, regardless of better or worse is still groundbreaking, and technologically interesting and relevant.

Or else we can be content with the current system of rule implementation under the FIA. But at that point, bitching on message boards might go away!


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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


What kind of incentive would You give to teams to convince them to not run two cars in F1 and continue development behind the scenes?



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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


bettonracing wrote:What kind of incentive would You give to teams to convince them to not run two cars in F1 and continue development behind the scenes?


I guess sponsorship dollars, and possibly a points system with TV money trophies.

I'm sure that there is more than enough incentive to simply flaunt capabilities in a limited restriction manner. Of course there is exposure, TV time, media articles (sports and science), as well as development competition.

I sincerely think the only reason against this idea is the fact that F1.5 would out-strip F1 in the world picture of racing, and the FIA/FOM cannot allow that.


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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


Conceptual wrote: I sincerely think the only reason against this idea is the fact that F1.5 would out-strip F1 in the world picture of racing, and the FIA/FOM cannot allow that.

To get teams to make the switch from F1 to F1.5, any F1.5 incentives You would give to the teams would have to outweigh the incentives of F1, which coupled with the increase in public attention would, as You stated, make F1.5 outstrip F1.

An option would be to just regulate that teams must compete in both series but then You have the rising cost issue to contend with.



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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: What about Formula 1.5?


To be honest, these are mere speculations. F1.5, FN are just a way of saying many GP races are quite boring. I hate to admit it, but when the main point of interest is a pit strategy instead of a takeover, we start wondering what's wrong with F1 and what can be done to improve it.

If by any chance one F1.5 became more of a technological achievement and more entertaining than F1, what would happen? F1.5 becomes F1??