From Canada GP's friday press conference, it was not howett but willis my bad.
I think on a technicality the final things we have agreed in the last Technical Working Groups have to go before the World
Motor Sport Council which I think is on 30 June but to all intents and purposes, as far as I understand, the regulations are
fixed for 2009.
You should read it very interesting informations by fernando alonso on next year changes with a definite blow to the "longer braking zones" argument.
FA: I think everything has been studied in simulations and things like that. We trust all of these and we hope to have some
more opportunities to follow cars close enough to allow us to try overtaking manoeuvres a little bit more often than we are
doing now. I think it should be a better possibility next year to follow a car, also to brake later than him (the other
competitor) probably because you have more grip on the tyres, you can afford to really brake a little later than normal
without losing the car.
It should also be safer for us because with slick tyres we should stop quicker if we go off at a corner on tarmac, so I
think it's looking good and we are really waiting for next year and all the new rules have been very welcomed by the
drivers, I think.