F1 my rules

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F1 my rules


i have been watch F1 for a few years now and i have to say F1 has become less and less fun to watch due to the following reasons:
-constant changing rules making the small teams hard to be competitive
-constant changing rules without meeting its aims(pointless rule changes
-less and less overtaking(real racing) more and more pit stop strategy(like a chess game)
-too much politics involved
-interpretation of rules makes the whole sport look like a spelling contest

so i would like to purpose i set of rule that can really make F1 better. im aware of the post topic about a possible perfect racing, but i like formula 1 to be changed rather than make a new series, because the fact is racing rule are complex to say the least and by modifying the technical regulations of formula 1 we give the fan around the world a chance to see hope in formula 1 and racing in general

here what i believe the FIA wants:
-green technology
-more audience
-more manufacturers
-more money
-1/2 of want the fans want

here what i believe the fans(us) wants:
-no more politics
-change the rules rather than changing the way you read it
-more old fashion(i want to overtake you on track/you are in my way) racing
-cars that are more balanced(all cars with in 8 tenth would be nice)
-more development so that F1 can be seen as the pinnacle of development

from the requirements above i have develop a set of rules that will hopeful make F1 better. i hope some of you guys read on and comment on my ideas

-allow all variations of engines with limit to no more that 10 cyclinders
-a total mount of 100L of fuel be used during a race
-allow KERS system to power the car as well as the engine
-fuel must be all the same for each team perfertably the fuel for road cars
-a possible reduction of 10L every 2 years of racing.
-hybrid cars create green house gas as well, like all the other claimed replacement of fossil fuel. KERS system is really the way to go.
-limit of 100L will make the team develop KERS system as well as improve the fuel consumption of the cars, team from now on will only develop for efficiency, rather than power.
-turbo cars are alot fuel efficient than naturally aspirated cars and i think targeting these areas will hope the automotive industry develop the green technology in the future
-since the technology in F1 can be used in road cars of the future more manufacturer will be drawn into F1 and hence more money and audiences
-if the cars are becoming too powerful i see why not. 30L of fuel per 100km on a track, which is about the amount that of a high performance sports car, surely this rule will help the development of engines alot.
-this will also help to slow the car down and hence improve safety.
-less fuel will make the team use less wings and hence cut down on downforce

-slick tyre that is very durable
-slick tyre that provides less grip than present tyres

-i realy don see how more mechanical grip can improve racing. more grip for tyres means more grip at all speeds and even more on when the cars have good downforce. more grip will also help the cars to brake and acclerate better at slow speeds and they will be at high speeds more than now and more downforce wil be affecting the cars' performance on track. by having less grippy tyres cars will be slower and less aero will be affecting the cars performance.
-less grip means less potential difference between cars
say the new tyre have 1/2 of the grip now, the cars will be generating less grip on every kg of downforce. say a good car has 5% more downforce than the slower car, 1/2 the grip will mean that the speed difference is reduced and hence the field will be closer. examples of less grip is when the track is wet, and thats why wet races are so fun to watch
-durability of the tyres
i hate to see driver changing their style because of the wear on the tyres
i hate marble on track that scare away driver who want to overtake
more durable tyres means that the driver can do what ever they want and drive every lap like a qualy lap, if we can get the tyre manufacturer to develop a tyre that lasts 2 races and make the drivers use it for 1, i believe we will see alot more aggression from drivers and more battles and possibly more mistakes that would lead to more overtaking.

-cut the front overhang by 10cm and with by 40cm
-drop front wing to 5cm above the plane
-cut the width of rear wing by 30cm
-make the teams manufacture front and rear wings by using FIA certified (non flex)carbon fibre

-i like little winglets on the cars that make the flow of the car better and thats really want development is about.
-you cant really have a aero neutural car, but make it less aero affected and better for towing is ther real solution
-no more flex, even out the field.
-reduce cost of developing special weaves of carbon fibre for the front and the rear wing
-reduce width => reduce aero influence from the car in front. In 2007 Mclaren had a narrower front wing than Ferrari so they are able to follow and overtake cars a lot easier and hopefully this will do the same
-lower wings means less aero affected in corners
-cutting downforce is not for F1, i would rather the tyres are less grippy, because cutting down force cuts drag and since cars are so aerodynamically efficient these days it will only be a matter of day before they are at the same speed.

-make the third period the same as the first 2, no race fuels in the car
dont speculate on each others' strategy just go all out on qualy

-teams develop green technology quicker and better
-no pit stops
-drivers fighting for position all over the place
-no more i will pit later and drive in the clear air and leap fog you
-more i have to overtake you in the next corner
-less field spread
-more balanced team
-more manufactures
-alot of developement

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Rob W
Joined: 18 Aug 2006, 03:28

Re: F1 my rules


Looks like you've thought about this quite a lot Mike.


Joined: 24 Jan 2006, 12:58

Re: F1 my rules


I may sound a bit righteous, but the FIA's rule changes never deliver what they promise and there is no reason why your rule 'outcomes' would be any different.
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Re: F1 my rules


well.. i know that my rules probly isnt going achieve the goals that i wanted

but zac510 i will hope that you can point out to me how it can the improved or possible loopholes that i may have to consider

Joined: 24 Jan 2006, 12:58

Re: F1 my rules


If you tell me the meaning of life! :)
No good turn goes unpunished.

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Re: F1 my rules


zac510 wrote:If you tell me the meaning of life! :)
The pursuit of happiness by using rational self-interest to tune your personal perception of reality to objective reality.


Joined: 10 May 2008, 07:17

Re: F1 my rules


You say that you don't want to get rid of the winglets, but you want more exciting racing. In my belief that's a paradox because advanced aero and exciting racing don't go hand in hand.

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31

Re: F1 my rules


Conceptual wrote:
zac510 wrote:If you tell me the meaning of life! :)
The pursuit of happiness by using rational self-interest to tune your personal perception of reality to objective reality.

Duh. The meaning of life is 42.

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Re: F1 my rules


My research led me to believe it was a non numerical answer. If it is true, then I have just got rid of an infinite number of possibilities of the meaning of life. That there is a paradox.

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Re: F1 my rules


Ciro Pabón wrote:
Conceptual wrote:
zac510 wrote:If you tell me the meaning of life! :)
The pursuit of happiness by using rational self-interest to tune your personal perception of reality to objective reality.

Duh. The meaning of life is 42.
Beat me to it!

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Joined: 23 Mar 2006, 22:31

Re: F1 my rules


I would have to say I agree with you on almost every thing

I would change the wing rules to allow a total volume of wing. measure all three of the largest dimensions of the wing front and rear. they can be as close to the ground as teams want this volume includes the diffuse other wise the car must have a flat bottom as well as any winglets.

I still like the idea of fuel stops but like the idea of limited fuel.

as far as engines allow anything turbines 2 strokes turbos diesels (fuel level to be adjusted so that the specific energy of each is equal

tires one extremely soft tire say 10 laps but verry sticky and another compound that could run the entire race limit of 4 sets per race. unless there is a puncture ect. In the even of a puncture only that tire may be replace other wise it counts against you total tire changes

also allow customer cars and engines no limit on number of cars a team can run but only 2 can score points but another car can take a position meaning if a third cars finishes third the points for third go away

exponential scale for points


1 point for pole

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31

Re: F1 my rules


megz wrote:My research led me to believe it was a non numerical answer. If it is true, then I have just got rid of an infinite number of possibilities of the meaning of life. That there is a paradox.
That's because you don't know the question. Me neither. :)

Note: that idea, I mean, that you cannot know the question and the answer at the same time, started like some kind of joke in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

On thread, I think refueling should be forbidden, like in old times. This would eliminate the "chess" aspect.

Zero fuel on qualies is something that the fans of Juan Montoya missed. I actually suspect they designed the rule to stop JPM from owning Schumi on qualies, but I cannot prove it. :)

I disagree with the "constant changing" making small teams less competitive. Small teams have always been no competitive at all. Maybe this thing is like yatching, guys, even if we don't wish it to be. Please, don't nag me, :roll: I do karts for the kind of races you (and I) wish. I believe that many changes were designed for smaller teams, but the "we're the pinnacle" declaration is always there.

If you wish to have 0.8 seconds of difference among cars you need a seriously "spec-ed" series; I feel it's impossible to achieve that goal if you allow non spec engines.

Another observation to the very good set of rules proposed: some people (at least one) thinks that politics is the noblest profession. You know, the zoon politikon idea. What matters is the openness of FIA and, maybe, more people belonging to local clubs. There is a certain lack of "affiliation drive" at Automobile Clubs worldwide. They seem like quaint associations devoted to tow trucking your car when you need it, almost nobody perceives them as a place for racing.

I miss in the ideas put forward a clear path from weekend driver to champion of the world. I mean, F1 is isolated in a certain way from the rest of the racing world. I would like to see an "ascention-descent" championship, like FIFA does in football. Maybe that would be a better way to have competitive small teams (and it could have a "full 42" embedded on it ;)). I would do the same with drivers (for example, the worst two drivers go to F3 and viceversa), but perhaps that's too radical.

As for rules interpretation, very smart people in this forum (me) have proposed to have an independent College of Arbiters, also like FIFA.

The exponential scale proposed by flyn made me pause for a while. I'm still on pause... :D

Joined: 22 Apr 2008, 17:09
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Re: F1 my rules


My rules

-Return to slicks (reason: tyre graining is detrimental to the sport and it is a characteristic of the grooved tyres)
-Increase displacement to a max of 3 litres again but allow manufacturers more freedom in terms of design; angle, # cylinders etc (reason: Provides more diversity, i.e. a wide-angle V10 giving more long-end torque or a V12 revving harder but less fuel efficient)
-Return to circa 2001 aero regulations (reason: less turbulent airflow, more elegant cars)
-Introduce hybrid technology in a definite fashion, i.e. constant boost (reason: more power yet more efficient)
-Moveable aero (reason: it makes sense, so why not?)
-One engine for Friday & Saturday (FP and Quali) plus one for Sunday (race) (reason: less worrying about engines blowing and more racing)
-Low fuel qualification
-Power levels in the range of 850-900BHP
-Lap times same as 2004

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