First off hello! i'm new around here and i'm from Costa Rica

I would like to hear suggestions as far as what career choice is a good one if I'm interested in the motorsport and similar industries. I'm heavily considering Mechanical Engineering at the moment.
I have been following motorsports with a growing passion for the last year or so. I just came across your website and i'm rather delighted with the info that can be found. I'm 30 years old and have good managerial job in the computer industry, however i truly feel my heart is in the engines, wind resistance, explosions, speed, acceleration, grip, friction, etc, . The new electric vehicles, hydrogen technologies etc are truly appealing to me, anything that goes fast but i do have a bias towards stuff that sticks to the ground. Not a bike fan though at the moment.
So being my age, having a job and paying for a home i'm realistic in that any career would take me a good 5-8 years to finish, by the time i'm done my employment opportunities won't be optimal and my country isn't precisely known by its automotive industry.
Nevertheless after having started studies in several careers (business management, architecture) i'm pretty sure that i don't care about the more practical implications of my decision and really want to push forward in that direction. Chances are that in a few years time i'll be pursuing a further degree in a UK/US or similar university, so i would like to hear your opinions and recommendations. Seems to me like mech eng is the first step, what do you think?
Thanks in advance!