Another legendary track has gone

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Joined: 20 Feb 2006, 17:05
Location: Paris, France

Another legendary track has gone


Just read that Bernie got rid of Gille Villeneuve's track at Montreal, leaving the American continent with no GP by the same occasion.

After he replaced the great Suzuka by Fuji, after he transformed Spa, after he condemned Silverstone, the guy has managed to get rid of another legend.

The obvious question now: When will he find the time to drop Monza? ](*,)

I mean, why would we keep the last big Legend of racing, while it is so easy to replace it by an insipid Tilke creation in Asia? :roll:

EDIT: oops, another thread was created while I was writing this, so ignore this topic please. It was pure rant anyway...

The other topic is here:
:arrow: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5991