Should stewards be ex-formula one drivers?

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Should stewards be ex-f1 drivers? or at least racing drivers

Yes, Ex-f1
Yes, ex-racing drivers
Yes, Ex-f1 or racing drivers. doesnt matter
No, i like the way it is.
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Total votes: 22

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Should stewards be ex-formula one drivers?


or at least racing drivers instead of some random dude in a suit that knows nothing about making a decision in split second at 200mph?

"They have no experience of what you can and can't do in race situations, what you are and what you are not aware of on the circuit. In the 20 years I've been involved in F1 as a driver and spectator I don't think I've seen so many penalties in one season. It's political correctness gone mad. " - Mark Blundell

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Re: Should stewards be ex-formula one drivers?


What's the difference between the poll options 2 and 3?

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Joined: 23 Jul 2007, 04:12

Re: Should stewards be ex-formula one drivers?


hmm good point.
i was kind of half asleep when i did that thread this morning in my maths class. :roll:

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Re: Should stewards be ex-formula one drivers?


freedom_honda wrote:i was kind of half asleep when i did that thread this morning in my maths class. :roll:
It looks like a problem for a maths exam in logic :lol:
"We will have to wait and see".

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Re: Should stewards be ex-formula one drivers?


Good idea.
And they should be hired (at least) one year at a time.
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Re: Should stewards be ex-formula one drivers?


The first thing Stewards should be is being unbiased :lol:

But who the hell on earth can be unbiased with all that MMMONEY!!!

I wish Mother Teresa de Calcuta would be alive so she could be steward!
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Re: Should stewards be ex-formula one drivers?


Voted the third option.

I don't think that placing such people would be a guarantee of fairness in the judgement themselves, but for sure there would have far less penalties involved, and a clear majority of racing incidents would be labeled as what they are, racing incidents...

I've heard a few great F1 figures of before, ex team managers and ex drivers, express their feelings about today's F1, and they were all saying the same thing about punishments: There are too much. Not sure, but I think the last one I heard was Guy Ligier on eurosport, saying something along the lines of: "it's normal to investiguate those incidents, but that so much are found guilty smells fishy".

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Re: Should stewards be ex-formula one drivers?


F1 is all about technology and innovation. Maybe they need to work out some track sensors, "motes", and have an algorythm that deduces facts from telemetry data and track data. At least give the stewards some objective facts to make these decisions instead of everything being based upon subjective emotion.

I mean, if this steward read an article right before the race, and thinks that Hamilton is a jack-ass for what he said, any incident involving Hamilton and that steward is going to be colored by that interview. That is human nature, and more than likely it isnt done on purpose, its subliminal.

NOW< if the stewards were only given objective information, you remove the emotion from the decision making process, and you would get much better outcomes.

Joined: 23 Feb 2008, 17:55

Re: Should stewards be ex-formula one drivers?


ex-f1 guys should be stewards, atleast they know the rules and are fair.

I read something about the stewards that there are 3 different who switch every 3 races. only 1 of them is expierienced and the other 2 never watched formula 1 and are friends of Mosley. I mean WTF?! how can a race be held with fair penalties if they dont know the rules? Those guys dont know rules which is clear after bourdais' penalty, a 25sec penalty isnt allowed before 5 laps of the end of the race.
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