The Standard Engine?

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Joined: 13 May 2007, 05:00

The Standard Engine?


I thought the engine freeze would have solved the issue of costs but now FIA wants to do more to standardize F1 to make it like an average racing event.

Come on! A lot of changes this year and last year comes from Aerodynamic side. I can NOT understand why FIA still believe that the frozen engine costs a lot of money? I thought all developments is on aero side.

Mercedes, Ferrari and Toyota are all protesting because it makes no sense for automakers to use some STANDARD engine and promote themselves.

I am always a fan of F1 because it is promotes technical innovation for racing. I don't really care about the environment or going green. You have the solar race for that. Like Ferrari, I will definitely quit watching F1 if they want to make every car identical. :x

53% of the vote in F1technical says it all.

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Joined: 01 Oct 2008, 18:29

Re: The Standard Engine?


Famous Last words...
jamsbong wrote:I don't really care about the environment or going green.

The frozen engines are relatively cheap for the manufacturer teams, which happen to be well funded, but the independent teams are still struggling with engine/drivetrain costs. How exciting would be the races without Williams, RBR, STR & FIF1? I am still lamenting the loss of Super Aguri & Prodrive.

They wont standardize the engines, dont believe the hype.