Pit Box selection question

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Joined: 22 Dec 2008, 07:40

Pit Box selection question


Apologies if this is old hat, but I didn't find it referenced elsewhere and I don't want to be a screw-up newbie.

Pit lane location is choice of the top team then it extends from there. Ferrari on some tracks is the first box, some tracks the last.

What drives that decision? Personally it seems the last one would allow better visibility to what the competition was doing and allow driver to get up to speed directly without moderated speeds after sitting for the pit stop and heating everything up. Thanks in advance for any comments (or direction to this topic elsewhere).

Joined: 22 Dec 2008, 07:40

Re: Pit Box selection question


Well, I've decided to take some consolation that there's no obvious answer to this one as opposed to the position that the answer is so obvious that it doesn't deserve a response.



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Re: Pit Box selection question


Some garages are bigger than other pit garages. The bigger teams go for those.

If you are in the end pit you can launch your cars into the path of any on coming cars safe in the knowledge that because your 'special' nothing will be done about it.

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Rob W
Joined: 18 Aug 2006, 03:28

Re: Pit Box selection question


Hi Turnz.

In general pit boxes are allocated from the entry end by the team's finishing position in the previous years championship. The top team however can chose whichever box they want - usually going for either the start or end of the pit lane... depending on the track they'll make their choice (obviously at Singapore Ferrari might wish they had chosen the other end :P )

Having said that they also consider that, at some circuits, there are a few larger ones which usually get offered to the heftier teams like McLaren and Ferrari who have tons more equipment/staff. In the 2008 season McLaren technically got the last pit box because they were stripped of all of their constructor points in the 2007 season BUT, since they have so much more gear etc, they were bumped up when they were at tracks which their supposed pit position could not handle.

Personally I think if they were put down the end it should have been their problem if they couldn't fit all of their gear in.

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 14:39

Re: Pit Box selection question


Also, one end of the pitlane is usually better located in the paddock, making it easier to entertain corporate guests.

Joined: 22 Dec 2008, 07:40

Re: Pit Box selection question


Rob W / pqi

thanks for the insight. I was thinking about the racing and forgetting about the practicle side of the buisiness with garage size and sponsors et. al.
