15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...

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15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...



This video shows how he was incredible! He had only the 1st and 6th gears working on the last 7 laps!!! He was driven with all he got... you can hear him working the engine to try to go faster!! In the end you can hear he screaming in the car!! He really was a samurai!!!!!!!

Even Schumacher recognizes what Senna was!!!


He also had a heart and soul!! He loved to compete but he also was human!


And he did what nobody eles could: He started 5th and by the end of the first lap he was first!!!


And he also had friends in F1: Lets Berger wins and is also 3rd time champion.


He ruled in monaco!!!


And they (FIA and Prost) stoled his 4th world championship!!


But then they've became friends...


Then he left a message for everybody...

"Racing, competing, it's in my blood. It's part of me, it's part of my life; I have been doing it all my life and it stands out above everything else." - Ayrton Senna

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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


Todaybeing the day anniversary wise of Senna's passing, I wanted to share the one (f)act that I think made him great above all others.

He would sneak a flag into the car for when he would win a race and pull out his Brazilian colors. On the day of his death, which Roland Ratzenberger also died on, they found stashed away in Senna's car Roland's flag.

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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


The BBC have put up a documentary online for those in the uk:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsp ... 027912.stm

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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...



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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


I really have mixed emotions today. In fact, just visiting this thread has brought about deep emotions and physical responses. But this is the time, this is a day to remember and honor a very special human being.
I'm 58 and have been an avid motorsport fan since my teens. Sadly, I have also seen many, many drivers killed. This great and wonderful sport of racing is a harsh and sometimes cruel mistress.
Please, never forget this, and never forget that safety can never be important enough. But from tragedy we can learn. Not just to overcome our own response to setbacks, but to make the sport itself safer. Many are aware that after Senna's death many safety-motivated regulations followed. What isn't regulary mentioned that Roland Ratzenberger also fell victim on the day previous. And we learned from his tragedy, and many safety-related improvements were instituted by the details of his crash. For instance, HANS was a direct result.

RIP Roland Ratzenberger.

Ayrton Senna was very special. His death left a void in my life.
"He(Ayrton Senna) would be driving a car which on paper, was a second a lap slower than the opposition. And you knew at that moment, that you could not beat the opposition. Ninety nine percent of the drivers would accept this and say: 'well next week we will have a new engine and we will be there.' "For Aryton of course , it wasn't like that at all. He would think I have to be quickest, and he would do it. He wasn't dreaming. He just did it." (Gerhard Berger on Aryton Senna)
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.

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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


That video of Michael, I believe it was because he had just been told that as a result of the accident at the chicane, two marshals(??) had died.

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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


Best driver ever?

A strong statement considering you could never actually back it up. Statistics are against it for a start.

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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


We're not here to debate who is the greatest, but we are here to admire him as one of the greatest, which, by the way, is not up for debate, ESPECIALLY today.

Please don't piss on his grave with semantics and statistics.

Have some class. Have some tact.

If you don't want to celebrate his life with us, please don't bother commenting.

What he was able to do in the wet and dry compared to his compatriots, was unparalleled. Other drivers had to seriously raise their game just to compete, Alesi was one for example. He attacked lines like nobody ever had.
Last edited by Giblet on 03 May 2009, 16:04, edited 1 time in total.
Before I do anything I ask myself “Would an idiot do that?” And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing. - Dwight Schrute

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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


in 1960, the god of racing was came down to earth from the sky, 15 years ago, he back to the sky, but he leave a big present to other drivers to save their life in the big accident

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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


Its not about the statistics, djones. Its about the heart. Fangio, Senna and Villeneuve, in no particular order, were to me the best drivers ever. When I was a kid, their stories got me emotional, more than any other driver. I dream I could be at their side racing agaist them. They are the reason why I read about and watch F1, the reason why I studied mechanical engineering, the reason why I like to play F1 games and drive my kart, and the reason why every single day of my life I try to be the best in what I do.

Statistics? In the domain of magic there are no statistics
"You need great passion, because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well." -Juan Manuel Fangio

"I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence." -Ayrton Senna

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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


I saw a Williams-BMW car on display a few years back. On the side of the front wing support under the nose was a stylized "S" with "Senna" below it. A team official then told me that all Williams cars since his death have led with his name.
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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


djones wrote:Best driver ever?

A strong statement considering you could never actually back it up. Statistics are against it for a start.
Greatest personality in F1 ever for sure.
For Sure!!

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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


djones wrote:Best driver ever?

A strong statement considering you could never actually back it up. Statistics are against it for a start.
It's hard for the statistics to back it up when his life (and career) were so tragically cut short.

Who knows? Without the loss of Ayrton Michael may never have won his title in 94 (after all Damon did a bloody good job and nearly beat him in that Williams, had Senna lived I am 100% certain Ayrton would have clinched the title that year.) Without the 94 title would Schumi have signed for Ferrari in 1996? Would he have then won all his subesquent titles? I for one doubt it (multiple titles for sure...but seven? I don't think so.)

As an example, Schumi is statistically the best driver ever, that doesn't make him the greatest, he raced in superior equipment (the Benetton he raced in 1992 was possibly only second to that year's dominant Williams and the only other times his car was not competative was in 1996 & 2005) against an on the whole weaker field for much of his carear compared to Ayrton, who for the beginning of his carear had to start in a Toleman, then a Lotus before finally clinching a drive with mclaren where he had to face Prost, as if that wasn't hard enough he also had to deal with the likes of Mansell and Piquet on track.

This post of mine is not to blast anybody's comments, not to proclaim Ayrton as the best, nor is it to deminish the achievements of Michael Schumacher. What I am getting at is that in all Sports, from time to time, we have small eras where truely GREAT competetors all seem to be competing at the same time (Ali, Foreman, Frazier, Nortan, Holmes in the Heavyweight division in the 60's-70's for example)Ayrton was part of one of those era's, and something like that makes it far more difficult for statistics to quanity the ability of such a competetor.

One statistic that does shine out for me is this:
Ayrton Senna achieved 65 pole positions in his carear, this record has only been suprpassed by Schumi, and it took him a bloody long time to do too! But what really staggers me is this:
65 poles from 161 starts equates to the man achieving pole in 34.7% of all race starts.

That is simply phenominal. We can debate (although not here), disagree and have differing opinions on who the greatest of all time is (on a side note, if you're wondering, for me it's Fangio) but one thing, for me at least is damn certain, Ayrton has to be the FASTEST man ever to step into a racing car.

Yes he had flaws, he was human. But by god was the man quick.

Statistics and racing accumen however pale into comparison to the true significance of Ayrton Senna da Silva.

Ayrton Senna was one of the very very few people who truely transended their sport. For me he is up there with the likes of Muhammad Ali. To millions across the globe, particularly in his home of Brazil, he was much much more than just a great sports man. He was a hero.

Fast, serious, enigmatic, eccentric, phylisophical, ruthless, caring, determined, these are but a few words that could be used to describe the man that was Ayrton Senna da Silva. For me however the word "Great" does just fine.

A great F1 driver yes,
but above all a great man who, even 15 years on since his death is sorely missed and evokes strong emotions in pretty much everyone who either met him, or saw the tragic events of that weekend, from grown me like DaveKillens (hope you don't mind me picking on your age Dave :wink: ) to the likes of myself (who was only 7 at the time of Senna's death).

Ayrton is one of those few human beings that can justifiably be called a Legend. And to many he was, and always will be, the greatest.

R.I.P Ayrton.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.

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Re: 15 years without the best driver ever: Ayrton Senna...


great videos, thx for the links guys.
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