Post here all non technical related topics about Formula One. This includes race results, discussions, testing analysis etc. TV coverage and other personal questions should be in Off topic chat.
Maxie and Bernie are playing a game of divide and conquer.
played many time by every politician from the roman dictators to the current UN.
Its very simple. You want to collect a group (of individuals, race teams, countries) to you, so what you do is make them quarrel with the other guy, and then you propose the lowest common denominator, and summon the members of group to you, as the great negotiator.
The medals system, the budget ideas.. they all part of a charade to try and split the manufacturers into separate entities so they can be managed easier.
Max and Bernie are terrified of FOTA making a GPWC.
Which might have worked, if the participating teams had kept it hidden from Me and Be...
The only way to close a stupid question is to give a smart answer