Im enraged!!!

All that has to do with the power train, gearbox, clutch, fuels and lubricants, etc. Generally the mechanical side of Formula One.
Joined: 03 Mar 2004, 13:18
Location: Helsinki, Finland

Im enraged!!!


A lot of people here seem to be very know-it-all, the smart ass kind of people. They think they know all there is to know about F1. When somebody proposes a new design idea, these people are there to beat him to pulp, saying the idea is either illegitimate or just plain stupid, or both ( viewtopic.php?t=526 ) but then when a formula1 team adopts the same idea, it suddenly becomes brilliant and these same people are there to praise its ingeniosity, preaching to us mere mortals the fundamentals behind this revolutionary design( sorry about the difficult words, since I've also noticed the "rather" appalling english of some of this forum's members) If it was so great all along, then why didn't they say anything? If these people know every little detail there is to know to the supreme design of a formula1 car, then how come they haven't come up with any of these ideas themselves? It's easy to pick a few lines of of some technical F1 site, and then come here boasting with your technological "insight". So far the only person on this forum that's come across as somebody who really, really knows anything, is crabs (or something;). The rest of these "technological leaders" of this site are just the "breher" kind of buffoons, the kind of people who cut&paste stuff straight from already published articles, place it on their web site, and then claim it their own "Hey, look at me, I'm a formula 1 tech boffin". All I would like is for people to stop pretending to know more than they actually are. If you quote somebody, then you should give him the proper respect. Thank you. Hopefully nobody got too offended. (and yes, I know, my english isn't perfect either. It's supreme!)
check this one out! viewtopic.php?t=495
Oh btw, since i know the people who read these posts: I wasn't all 100% serious. Just so you know =D

Joined: 28 Dec 2002, 23:36
Location: Covilhã, Portugal (and sometimes in Évora)


Well....about myself and some of my ideas....I have 4 diferent ideas but I don't want to publicise them because I'm trying to study them and want to publish them in some kind of Engineering paper, but to give you and idea, the areas are the following (won't say the tech part of the topic because of copyright and things having to do with this):

- front wing;
- rear wing;
- fuel system;
- cooling system/aero;

About Scarbs he might not have his own ideas (don't know if he does or not) but he does work in the sport (writer for Racecar Engineering magazine) and does attend test seasons and does talk to some important elements within Formula 1. So he is worth of our respect....but this doesn't mean that he is right 100% of the times....humans sometimes make mistakes....I've made a few here and some that are very embarising!

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Joined: 02 Jul 2003, 20:21
Location: USA


You are right in some ways, but obviously wrong in others. I do think people shouldnt say "I know the answer" when they may be wrong, and yeah itd be nice to hear where they got their information. Mama says obdula oblongata makes aligators angry cause of their teeth, I think the word of a doctor is more relevent in such cases. And everyone, referencing material helps people to find more information on a topic, its very helpful.

Joined: 07 Jan 2004, 00:42
Location: San Diego, CA


Well, there was one punk who thought he was the sh*t and started cussing people out for saying "stupid" or "speculative" things... but then everybody got on his case for being wrong so many times he just left. It was like the munchkin calling the midget "shorty."

I bet the regulars knew who he was...
Bring back wider rear wings, V10s, and tobacco advertisements

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55


you would not think anyone in Formula 1 has time to write his ideas in this forum,would you?
On the other hand I saw really good points here,worth reading and thinkingabout.
And I´m deadly sure ,there´s at least one person here who would not have put too small brakecooling ducts onboth cars the other weekend...
--- happens,of course but if you want to win you just have to be ready when the flag drops.
And beeing involved in racing for over 10 years I damn know that you are always in the hunt to get the issues sorted in time and I sure know when someone just tells you a bunch of crap .
I don´t know about CFD modeling much mor than it exists but who cares,without a good idea one could calculate aero for ages and get nowhere...CAD,CFD,Windtunnel,FEA,in effect all maths just supply the tools,like a wrench or a hammer.If you have no idea what you want to achieve it is just a waste of time to use the tools..
About the possibility to bring a team further,of course we all could ,if we just wanted badly enough.
I have some ideas in the bag constantly and of course the older ideas have been reinvented by the teams in no time..or axed or modified by new insight.And some of them found even a place in a racecar now and then proving their worth.

Joined: 19 Jan 2004, 13:36
Location: Portugal


This site is very cool because we can sometimes brainstorm together around a few concepts and reach some insight in some areas that, alone, we wouldn't, also allowing us to give our "2 cents" about the sport that we love.
The people you talk about is easy to spot and the rest of the pack knows well the credibility they deserve.
About Breher, he made a nice little site introducing the fundamentals of the thing. It is so basic that it doesn't strike me as hurting copyrights.