Brawn already did, rbr too.
But which team will be next? I guess ferrari, although I expect mcl to win at least one race this season.
Your thoughts, can any team except from brawn and rbr win in 09?
Did you forget your meds today?Conceptual wrote:Didn't you know?
Button in the illegal DDD BGP001 is scheduled by the FIA to win every race from here to Abu Dahbi.
This is being done for the express purpose of breaking the FOTA's desire to carry the 2009 regs forward, and to purposefully get all of the Ferrari bandwagon fans to jump ship to the next dominant team so they can still feel good about themselves after every GP.
Theatrical Motorsports is the wave of the future, and F1 is the technological leader in this respect. The continuation of the standard definition video feed is so the uncorrected colors and logo's can be easily mistaken as what the viewer wishes to see instead of what is truly being shown.
It is all being done so the 40Meur cap becomes palatable to the rest of the teams after Ferrari leave, and the script writers union is broken forever!
So they knew that Internal Affairs were trying to get to them??Conceptual wrote:Didn't you know?
Button in the illegal DDD BGP001 is scheduled by the FIA to win every race from here to Abu Dahbi.
This is being done for the express purpose of breaking the FOTA's desire to carry the 2009 regs forward, and to purposefully get all of the Ferrari bandwagon fans to jump ship to the next dominant team so they can still feel good about themselves after every GP.
Theatrical Motorsports is the wave of the future, and F1 is the technological leader in this respect. The continuation of the standard definition video feed is so the uncorrected colors and logo's can be easily mistaken as what the viewer wishes to see instead of what is truly being shown.
It is all being done so the 40Meur cap becomes palatable to the rest of the teams after Ferrari leave, and the script writers union is broken forever!
For my injury, I actually do take alot of narcotics, but I have been taking them for so long, that I don't get any kind of buzz from them.donskar wrote:Did you forget your meds today?Conceptual wrote:Didn't you know?
Button in the illegal DDD BGP001 is scheduled by the FIA to win every race from here to Abu Dahbi.
This is being done for the express purpose of breaking the FOTA's desire to carry the 2009 regs forward, and to purposefully get all of the Ferrari bandwagon fans to jump ship to the next dominant team so they can still feel good about themselves after every GP.
Theatrical Motorsports is the wave of the future, and F1 is the technological leader in this respect. The continuation of the standard definition video feed is so the uncorrected colors and logo's can be easily mistaken as what the viewer wishes to see instead of what is truly being shown.
It is all being done so the 40Meur cap becomes palatable to the rest of the teams after Ferrari leave, and the script writers union is broken forever!