Max Mosely has to go

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Max Mosely has to go


As a long time visitor to this site I am finally compelled to register and voice
my opinion on the current state of affairs between the FIA and the FOTA. How can
all the "Great Unwashed" as Bernie likes to call us followers of the sport stand
up and be counted in what seems to be a forthcoming implosion. I am all for new
teams entering the sport but does it need to be at the expense of the current
teams. I have been to many F1 races and have followed the sport for over 30 years.
In the end we will have to accept the outcome and watch a dilluted version of the
Championship. Oddly the fans of the sport do not really count for much when it
comes to decision making in F1.

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Re: Max Mosely has to go


Formula One has always been plagued by rampant politics. Sadly, with the advent of the internet and efficient news services, fans are exposed to the seedy side of this sport on a regular basis. It's like living underneath a palace, but having the raw sewage dump into your living room.
I do believe that Max is presently a negative influence on the well-being of Formula One. His original motives may be correct, but the manner in which he conducts business is an abomination. And yes, it's all about money and power. Max makes sure Bernie's financial interests are taken care of, and Bernie supports and protects Max in return. This is a terrible conflict of interests, and everyone else, from the teams and drivers, to the media reporting, to the fans, suffer. But sadly, even if Max and Bernie were deposed tomorrow, the politics would remain in this sport many of us love. I just wish that everyone involved in Formula One would stop using the media to promote their grievances, and instead resolve their differences behind the scenes where the fans do not get exposed to this sewage.
I wonder what Juan Pablo Montoya is thinking as he now watches this soap opera from a safe distance. He despised the politics, and must be relieved and amused that he doesn't have to endure such crap anymore.

Max needs to be removed from his position, and the world would be a better place.
Last edited by DaveKillens on 04 Jun 2009, 15:31, edited 1 time in total.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.

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Re: Max Mosely has to go


I have never really like max mosely, i have always thought he was full of BS and full of himself....he is just so arrogrant.....
He and the FIA are nothing without us, the public, he says he is doing this for the viewing good of the public,,,,,but to be honest, he is just gone mad, and is doing this for himself....he is old, he is mad, he is power driven, and he needs to go, for the good of F1, for the good of the audience, we dont need this crap anymore, we need him OUT NOW!
if ferrari and the other teams are left out, then F1 would not exsist for me....and that is a shame, i have followed F1 since i was a child, and i am deepely unimpressed, and alittle saddened by MAx's intentions and actions....

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Re: Max Mosely has to go


chapmanlung wrote:I have never really like max mosely, i have always thought he was full of BS and full of himself....he is just so arrogrant.....
He and the FIA are nothing without us, the public, he says he is doing this for the viewing good of the public,,,,,but to be honest, he is just gone mad, and is doing this for himself....he is old, he is mad, he is power driven, and he needs to go, for the good of F1, for the good of the audience, we dont need this crap anymore, we need him OUT NOW!
if ferrari and the other teams are left out, then F1 would not exsist for me....and that is a shame, i have followed F1 since i was a child, and i am deepely unimpressed, and alittle saddened by MAx's intentions and actions....
I agree. Its time to show the doors to Max. Pump in new blood to FIA

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Re: Max Mosely has to go


This is the continuaion of the 2004-2006 conflict. There is no solution yet, but it looks like things will be sorted soon. Good job by Max Mosley =D> =D> =D>
Last edited by Ciro Pabón on 04 Jun 2009, 23:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: Max Mosely has to go


DaveKillens wrote:I wonder what Juan Pablo Montoya is thinking as he now watches this soap opera from a safe distance. He despised the politics, and must be relieved and amused that he doesn't have to endure such crap anymore.
I'm not sure JPM is even giving this mess a split second of his life. He's got his own problems in NASCAR. I don't think he gives a bird's poo about F1 anymore.
But I do agree with your comments overall, DK.
aeroforce wrote:I agree. Its time to show the doors to Max. Pump in new blood to FIA
Jean Todt ?

Joined: 27 Apr 2009, 11:50

Re: Max Mosely has to go


Can not see BE letting Max stay...So who is going to replace him then? Mr Todd? After all, it only takes one of members to start a "no confidence" in Max to start the ball rolling. And what side do you think the Italian's on.....

Could all get very very very nasty.

And the sting on Max was set by someone, so he has more than his fair share of enemies

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Re: Max Mosely has to go


u401768 wrote:....After all, it only takes one of members to start a "no confidence" in Max to start the ball rolling....
You should study the FIA statutes! It is considerably more difficult to unseat an FIA president. Club members certainly can't do that. Even a majority of FIA member clubs cannot do it without a procedure that takes at least 4 months.
Last edited by Ciro Pabón on 04 Jun 2009, 23:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: Max Mosely has to go


WhiteBlue wrote:
u401768 wrote:....After all, it only takes one of members to start a "no confidence" in Max to start the ball rolling....
You should study the FIA statutes! It is considerably more difficult to unseat an FIA president. Club members certainly can't do that. Even a majority of FIA member clubs cannot do it without a procedure that takes at least 4 months. I believe that I do not need to say anything more about the quality of your contributions.
If they couldnt get rid of him after Nazi whore gate I dont think they can now. MAx is pretty good at getting people by the balls it seems... has lots of practice.

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Re: Max Mosely has to go


if nothing else - there is an election this year, so could well see the back of him then...

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Re: Max Mosely has to go


DaveKillens wrote:Formula One has always been plagued by rampant politics. Sadly, with the advent of the internet and efficient news services, fans are exposed to the seedy side of this sport on a regular basis. It's like living underneath a palace, but having the raw sewage dump into your living room.
I do believe that Max is presently a negative influence on the well-being of Formula One. His original motives may be correct, but the manner in which he conducts business is an abomination. And yes, it's all about money and power. Max makes sure Bernie's financial interests are taken care of, and Bernie supports and protects Max in return. This is a terrible conflict of interests, and everyone else, from the teams and drivers, to the media reporting, to the fans, suffer. But sadly, even if Max and Bernie were deposed tomorrow, the politics would remain in this sport many of us love. I just wish that everyone involved in Formula One would stop using the media to promote their grievances, and instead resolve their differences behind the scenes where the fans do not get exposed to this sewage.
I wonder what Juan Pablo Montoya is thinking as he now watches this soap opera from a safe distance. He despised the politics, and must be relieved and amused that he doesn't have to endure such crap anymore.

Max needs to be removed from his position, and the world would be a better place.
Excellent post. Unfortunately, it will only inspire the Max bobble-head dolls to begin filling this thread with more of what what you accurately call raw sewage.

My guess is that FOTA will fold and the Max sycophants and butt-boys will cheer the stupendous technical victory of no more tire warmers and the emergence of the pretenders and poseurs in F1. I do have to wonder, what sort of F1 fan prefers fakes like Brabham and March (BRM next?) to Ferrari and BMW? Who would rather watch Campos and Litespeed rather than McLaren and Renault? And the drivers? It beggars the imagination. Sleeping in on Sunday begins to be very attractive.
Enzo Ferrari was a great man. But he was not a good man. -- Phil Hill

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Re: Max Mosely has to go


Nobody has claimed to prefer Campos to Ferrari... It is very clear that both teams could very easily be in F1 next year, but Ferrari and their fans have a very self centered view of F1, with absolutely no regard to the overall health of the sport.

This is not a case of "you are either with us or against us" polarizing the entire view of the situation.

We could easily have Both Ferrari(and all the other FoTA teams) and new teams join, but Ferrari would rather throw a tantrum and take their ball and run home to mommy. We've seen it all before, but they will probly sell out the other FOTA teams like they did to the GPMA teams when they get a sweetheart deal from BE & Max. Especially seeing how they already have a contract connecting them to the series till 2012
Last edited by Ciro Pabón on 04 Jun 2009, 23:31, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Max Mosely has to go


donskar wrote:
DaveKillens wrote:Formula One has always been plagued by rampant politics. Sadly, with the advent of the internet and efficient news services, fans are exposed to the seedy side of this sport on a regular basis. It's like living underneath a palace, but having the raw sewage dump into your living room.
I do believe that Max is presently a negative influence on the well-being of Formula One. His original motives may be correct, but the manner in which he conducts business is an abomination. And yes, it's all about money and power. Max makes sure Bernie's financial interests are taken care of, and Bernie supports and protects Max in return. This is a terrible conflict of interests, and everyone else, from the teams and drivers, to the media reporting, to the fans, suffer. But sadly, even if Max and Bernie were deposed tomorrow, the politics would remain in this sport many of us love. I just wish that everyone involved in Formula One would stop using the media to promote their grievances, and instead resolve their differences behind the scenes where the fans do not get exposed to this sewage.
I wonder what Juan Pablo Montoya is thinking as he now watches this soap opera from a safe distance. He despised the politics, and must be relieved and amused that he doesn't have to endure such crap anymore.

Max needs to be removed from his position, and the world would be a better place.
Excellent post. Unfortunately, it will only inspire the Max bobble-head dolls to begin filling this thread with more of what what you accurately call raw sewage.

My guess is that FOTA will fold and the Max sycophants and butt-boys will cheer the stupendous technical victory of no more tire warmers and the emergence of the pretenders and poseurs in F1. I do have to wonder, what sort of F1 fan prefers fakes like Brabham and March (BRM next?) to Ferrari and BMW? Who would rather watch Campos and Litespeed rather than McLaren and Renault? And the drivers? It beggars the imagination. Sleeping in on Sunday begins to be very attractive.
Me, I am hoping they dont. But hey we all know for Max the good of the sport is and has always been secondary. Power it seems is more important to him.
Last edited by Ciro Pabón on 04 Jun 2009, 23:33, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Goodwin's Law
Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regards to matters requiring thought. The less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them; while on the other hand, to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. - Galileo..

The noblest of dogs is the hot dog. It feeds the hand that bites it.

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Re: Max Mosely has to go


jddh1 wrote:
DaveKillens wrote:I wonder what Juan Pablo Montoya is thinking as he now watches this soap opera from a safe distance. He despised the politics, and must be relieved and amused that he doesn't have to endure such crap anymore.
I'm not sure JPM is even giving this mess a split second of his life. He's got his own problems in NASCAR. I don't think he gives a bird's poo about F1 anymore.
But I do agree with your comments overall, DK.
aeroforce wrote:I agree. Its time to show the doors to Max. Pump in new blood to FIA
Jean Todt ?
Thats a Good Suggestion.

Joined: 03 Jun 2009, 13:27

Re: Max Mosely has to go


Max mosley is an unstable tyrant.

His interest are leaving a legacy and he is now dragging things out so it is too late to change anything. F1 will be changed forever unless something is done very soon.

Anybody who doesnt see how he operates has the wool pulled over their eyes. Just because the man is a lawyer and skilled at twisting peoples toungs doesnt make him right. Im ammazed it has gone this far. People need to call him out and deal with it. makeing clever proposals and dealing with him in a legalise way will not work. They just need to say what they see.

Take note how many teams submitted to join and didnt complain after FOTA lodged their conditional offers. We only need a couple teams and we have a full grid. The FOTA proposal was perfectly acceptable but i dont see how they can back down now with Max basically telling them to pack their bags.

I think FOTA should deal direct with Bernie so as not to have an enemy there, re-negotiate their rates with Bernie and dump the FIA for a year until max is gone and they can possibly resycronise the two F1's again under more agreeable terms.

Personally i think Max has seen the number of submissions and thinks enough teams will submit to the rules for him to offer a full grid. He doesnt see that it will become formula 1.5 which will be just as popular as GP2. Which is tiny compared to F1.