Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.

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Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


No doubt he's an unlucky fella, but there's having bad luck and being a gentleman about it and reacting like a spoiled brat.
His comments after the German GP where completly out of line. Not what I'd expect from a proffessional with 16 years of experience.

It's like he's letting all that repressed anger from the Ferrari days out.
I feel like he deserves the following video (that is quite funny by the way)...


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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


I like the shot of Kelsey Grammer (Frasier Crane) they snuck in there.
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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.



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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


Poor Barichello, they should have gave him a few minutes to weep in the corner before interviewing him.
He is hurt and i don't blame him. The team did short stop Button to get infront of him, secondly this fuel rig thing needs to be investigated. :idea:
The race would have been much different had he received the right amount of fuel.
For Sure!!

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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


I love the cartoon were Brawn says "i have put you on a 6 stop strategy" :lol:

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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.



All he needs is to hear Massa yelling about how fast he would be with the white visor!!!

Rubens and Felipe have came up with the 2 best sound bites of the season so far. Maybes Kubica is also up there by saying that everything is not great at all on the raido at Silverstone or Turkey in practice is up there as well.

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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


ESPImperium wrote:Rubens and Felipe have came up with the 2 best sound bites of the season so far. Maybes Kubica is also up there by saying that everything is not great at all on the raido at Silverstone or Turkey in practice is up there as well.
You forgot NP at Monaco saying "that's what you get when you have young, inexperienced drivers in Formula 1", after Buemi took him out of the race!
:lol: :lol: :lol: =D>
I think that one should be quite high in the all time top-10!
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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


I happen to sympathisize with Reubens. maybe his comments should have been kept within the confines of the team, but i really, sincerely believe Ross Brawn has favored Button at the expense of Barrichello.
This entire affair began in Spain, where Reubens had all the advantages and saw it all slip away. Ask anyone familiar with strategy and how a car in the lead, with more fuel, and running the same specification equipment as the following car can find itself second at the end. The car behind pits, you follow his strategy, fuel the same amount, same tires, and barring mishap, there is no way he can get past you. Not unless the man calling the shots never informs the lead driver of this until it is too late. Which is exactly what Brawn did.
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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


DaveKillens wrote: Ask anyone familiar with strategy and how a car in the lead, with more fuel, and running the same specification equipment as the following car can find itself second at the end. The car behind pits, you follow his strategy, fuel the same amount, same tires, and barring mishap, there is no way he can get past you. Not unless the man calling the shots never informs the lead driver of this until it is too late. Which is exactly what Brawn did.
Well, the first answer that springs to mind is: maybe because the driver in said leading car is simply not good enough.. Or let me rather rephrase that to avoid misunderstandings: maybe his lap times are not good enough!

Nothing personal with RB, I used to think he is a great driver, and I wanted him very badly to win in a Stewart, and even before this season started I would have bet he'd be quicker than JB, but it's not happening and he just moans too much. Everything and everyone conspires against him. Well, maybe that's not 100% true and maybe it's not 100% true either that he is just not up to the task to beat Schumi or even Button. Maybe the truth lies somewhere in the middle (as usual..).
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. H.P.Lovecraft

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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


This is a bit out there, but is there any chance that this is all staged to prevent what happened in the DTM race involving audi?

I'm thinking that the Brawn team wants Rubens to behave that way to get everyone to think that there is no way that he will back down (going so far as to even attack the team!), so that when the time comes and he does it, it won't look so obvious.

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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


I agree with Dave here. Brawn is no strategy newbie and knows Button is the man and Barrichello must follow, not lead. He will perform magic before Barrichello can end a race with Button in a consecutive lower position.

Besides, Rubens is old (not talking about age :lol: ) and bitter enough to go and have a rest. Maybe he can go to Campos next year together with Pedro...


Fisico can join, too!

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Joined: 20 Jan 2005, 04:02

Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


Michiba wrote:This is a bit out there, but is there any chance that this is all staged to prevent what happened in the DTM race involving audi?
Of course it was staged. Despite a regulation that forbids team tactics, even today team managers and strategists are very capable of manipulating the outcome between their two drivers, notwithstanding that they are close.

Back in Spain, Barrichello found himself in the envious position of being in the lead, his teammate following, and knowing that he was carrying more fuel and same spec tires. All those people on the pitwall, all those engineers closeted in the back staring at their displays and computer screen, there are there for a specific purpose. It is to provide information to the strategists and team leaders, and analyze data. This is done immeidately, and the information also immediately flows to the decision-makers. Everyone is wired, and the flow of information is supposed to be up to date.
I wish most of you watched NASCAR more, because they practice strategy a LOT.
Anyways, back to poor Reubens. He is in the lead, and enjoying every tactical advantage. When you are in such a position, only mishap and strategy can beat you. So let's ignore mishap, and focus in the strategy, what happened, and more important, what did not happen. One common strategy to stay ahead of a car is to follow their strategy. Pit when they pit, add the same amount of fuel as them, and tires. How can a following car close up and overtake? They can't. Let's play out this scenario. Button pits, takes on a lot of fuel. Barrichello, meanwhile is still on track, doing some of his quickest laps because he is low on fuel. In fact, when Button trundles out of the pits with a full fuel load, Barrichello is turning quicker laps, and opening the gap even further. Barrichello pits, and he takes on what Button did. When he goes back out on track, he is in front of Button, is running the same spec tires and a relatively equal amount of fuel. And this scenario is played out for the second pit stop.

Now, IF Reuben's people are doing their job correctly, they keep an eye on their competitors, and react as required. Button made his first pit stop, and it was for enough fuel to make it a two-stopper. Even as Button's car was exiting the pits, the television commentators were talking about how much fuel he had taken on. (it was at this exact moment while I was watching the race that I became suspicious of what was going on, and it was later confirmed when many laps later, Brawn informed Barrichello of Button's change in strategy) So Barrichello's people would have been aware of this fact at this same time. They have eyes and stopwatches. So what they should have done, is inform Reubens of this change immediately, and adapt their strategy to this situation. If Reubens people had done their job correctly, they would have added the same fuel and tires as Button did. That way, no matter what Button did strategy-wise, Barrichello would have remained in front of him. But what really happened? Barrichello pitted, and took on enough fuel to continue his three-stop strategy. Only when he was back on track two laps later did Brawn inform Barrichello of Button's change in strategy. Much too late, the horse has bolted and is now long gone.
At the beginning of the race, once the start had settled down, it was established that Barrichello was ahead of Button. But at that time, Button was planning the same strategy as Reubens, and if you follow the same strategy, you can't change positions. So Button and his people changed strategy, went for a two-stop strategy, and in the end, won the race.
Brawn decided that Button was supposed to win, or at least, finish as high as possible, even at the expense of Reubens. Once the start was over, he decided on changing Button's strategy, and kept this information from Reubens until it was too late to do anything about it.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.

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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


I'm not really disputing that as it is a strong argument.

What I am questioning is whether Rubens is in on it too, but reacting the way he has so far as part of the team strategy to avoid reprimand.

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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


Dave Killens;

While I agree mostly with your assesment, pointing the blame at Rubens "people" is kind of moot. After all Rubens people, all work for the Team and the Team Princple is calling the shots. As we all know the "Prat perch" all communicate together and Rubens race engineer is hardly going to advise Rubens of a change of strategy for Button if he has been asked not to by the Team Princple sitting a few feet away.

All guestimation but could Rubens anger be coming from hearing some details of private conversations taking place on the Prat perch post race? ie. intentionally delayed startegy information. If you already suspected funky business at Buttons stop then surely Rubens knows enough about this game to see it for what it is.

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Re: Barrichello gets angry, embarrasses himself.


Rubens did too little too late. Brawn would never let a title slip through his hands (as Dennis did 2007) if it can be grabbed. Rubens will scream and shout but that will not ondo the fact that Button was better, luckier and not making any mistakes to open the points lead he needed. With his personal history I can understand that he is unwilling to accept the team strategy. Tough luck, they are going to run it without his consent then.
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