mkw111 wrote:There should be a new point system for 2010 F1 season if there will
be 26 drivers. Here is an example and tell me what you think:
1st 20
2nd 15
3rd 10
4th 8
5th 6
6th 5
7th 4
8th 3
9th 2
10th 1
I hope FIA or FOTA will change the points for next season and very similar
to this system.
I agree! There should be "considerable" difference between a GP winner and runner-up afterwards - c'mon, the driver has won a GP, should be a stand-off!!!
Also it will make drivers to put their efforts on winning rather than settling for some position like Lewis nerd did..... off the show and no sportsmanship - God damn him! Tell me, what's the point in watching a race or a championship that a leading driver is "settling" for a lower position without taking any risks to win the title??? Even "WE ALL" try to win any race/event we participate in, at least try to do it.....
OK, we are nobody to decide on this and there is WMSC to do this job; but still I think such or a variation will be a good idea to spice up the otherwise-becoming-boring F1 with all kinds of "possible" bans:
in-session testing => banned
engine development => banned
moving aero components => banned
TC => banned (we have road cars with TC, c'mon)
new driver testing => banned
this => banned
that => banned
If F1 is considered pinnacle of motorsports with innovations in technology, where is it now? Banning most of the things will not reduce the costs, but will rather make the sport boring - as you would all agree, I hope! Rather, give limited resources and ask the team to come up with innovations that will move them forward in the championship standings and see what happens!
I would like your views on correcting/bettering my post.