Why other than the use of the word "gate" in the watergate scandal, are all of these F1 scandals attaching "gate" to the end?
Crash-gate, Lie-gate, Stepney-gate...
They need to come up with a more original method of naming all the scandals, Perhaps a numbering system of some sort..
This is getting rediculous.
Is there some sort of assosication with gates and scandals that I am unaware of?
Good lord, as I was writing this I came across this list of other gate scandals. There are a few F1 scandals in there.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sc ... %22_suffix
So all it is is watergate. That is the only reason. I have answered my own question and now I don't see the point in posting this. But I wrote it all and I think it is worth sharing, if not for a bit of a laugh.