Sunday Morning Warmup

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Sunday Morning Warmup


Any rumours of it possibly coming back?

With race fuel Q3 gone it would makes sense to re-institute it for the sake of safety and it will also improve competition.

Something like Hamilton's brake failure could have been a major safety hazard going into turn 1 with a huge loaad of fuel onboard.

They should maintain that no parts can be changed(parc ferme) only some minor set up changes and fuel added, in order to help keep the costs down.

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Re: Sunday Morning Warmup


That is a good call. =D>

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Re: Sunday Morning Warmup


It would be good for the show as well and provide the drivers with a chance to acclimatise to the different weight and potentially weather conditions. Finally it would make sense because it used to make sense in the old days and was fun.
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Re: Sunday Morning Warmup


Good call. Id make it a 20 or 30 minuite session, thats all. Id keep the current parc ferme rules tho, as theres some ammount of parts changed on a couple of cars for saftey reasons. Just look at Suzuka this year for McLaren with Hekki and STR-Ferarri:
McLaren Mercedes:
Car 01: RHS sidepod wing to floor mounting pin
Car 02: Nose and front wing assembly
LHS front upright
LHS front top and lower wishbone
LHS front pushrod
LHS front track rod
Steering rack
Steering column
Forward floor
Floor assembly
Gearbox to engine bolts
LHS rear top and lower wishbone
LHS rear pushrod
LHS rear toelink
RHS rear brake duct wing
LHS front wheelnut assembly
Rear wing assembly
LHS Sidepod wing
Rear light
LHS rear wing to floor stay
LHS rear bodywork ¼ panel
RCS shroud
LHS rear wheel shroud and rim
STR Ferrari:
Car 11: RHS front corner
LHS front corner
Power steering assembly incl. sensors
Steering column
Nose and front wing assembly
Floor assembly incl. sensors
Side pod wing
LHS rear wishbone loom and HIU
Pitot sensor assembly
Car 12: RHS front corner
Steering column
Floor assembly
Beam wing
Side pod wing
RHS rear upper and lower wishbone
RHS rear track rod
RHS rear pullrod
RHS rear brake pipe
RHS rear suspension looms
RHS rear upright and driveshaft
RIS rear light cover
Rear light
RHS rear brake duct wing
RHS rear brake duct cover
Rear wing
Engine cover
Power steering assembly incl. sensors
RHS front wheel cover
Some teams only change one or two small things like a wiring loom or a mounting pin or mirror glass or a radio component. Then theres the brakes.

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Re: Sunday Morning Warmup


In Spanish, sunday warm up was called "tanques llenos" wich translated means "full tanks".

It perfectly makes sense with the new refuelling ban.
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Re: Sunday Morning Warmup


I don't really see the need for a Sunday morning practice, and neither can I see a relation with that to Hamilton's brake pad failure.

Reliability problems just do happen, and bad batches get delivered from time to time. There is no reason why the brakepad wouldn't start to fade halfway through the race, and in that case Sunday morning practice would also not show the problem.

Additionally, Friday practices now take 3 hours, which is more than enough time for people to try out the car with high fuel loads. Back in the days of Sunday practice, Fridays were a lot shorter. Teams could even do a race simulation on FP1 and FP2 if they wanted to.

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Re: Sunday Morning Warmup


With only eight engines a year will the teams really want to 'waste' mileage puting on a show?

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 14:39

Re: Sunday Morning Warmup


ISLAMATRON wrote:Any rumours of it possibly coming back?

With race fuel Q3 gone it would makes sense to re-institute it for the sake of safety and it will also improve competition.

Something like Hamilton's brake failure could have been a major safety hazard going into turn 1 with a huge loaad of fuel onboard.

They should maintain that no parts can be changed(parc ferme) only some minor set up changes and fuel added, in order to help keep the costs down.
+1 =D>
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