wohoo, I don't get it. What do you call a complete set of plans?
It seems to me that you can see the whole car: chassis, plank, tube, cockpit, steering wheel, A-arms, engine mounting, rear and front wing, profile of rear wing, etc. What I see is the whole kit and kaboodle.
These are plans, paper plans, the kind we used before CAD and CAE, remember? Perhaps there are some plans missing, but I think I can build a car with them. It even includes the list of parts, for the love of Pete.
Perhaps 3 euros is too much (for some people) for them, but I'm sure Stepney collected more than that for his 700 pages... not to mention that Prost surely paid more than 3 euros for them.
Anyway, this is the first concrete response (like I like) to the perennial question: "Do you know where can I find a full set of plans for an F1 car?".
I've lost the count of how many times I've read that very same question.
Of course, I can understand your point: I have an aunt that complains about everything. I'm sure she will complain about the wings being too feathery and the halo being too bright, if (and that's a big if) she goes to heaven.
Of course, she doesn't post here
that I know(she's 106 years old, so...), unless wohoo´s real name is Cecilia and lives in Segovia. That's a joke, just a joke (and a way to confirm the rumours about me staying around for the next 56 years, complaining about the complainers: it's in my blood
