Compulsory pit stops

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Roger the knife
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Compulsory pit stops


I see there is now talk of making atleast two pitstops mandatory. I think this is just another way of messing with the race, we'll be having "time outs" next and the playing your joker. My logic says there shouldn't be any mandatory pitstops at all, the only rule being, that if you stop for tyres, you have to put the "other" set on. So if you think you can make it without a stop, go knock yourself out, but if you do stop, you're going to be flip=flopping the compounds.

Whaddya think

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Re: Compulsory pit stops


build a 26-lane scalextric and give the controls to the drivers.

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Re: Compulsory pit stops


All this worrying about the "show" is bullshit. The best would be be no rule at all. No mandatory tyre change, no Q3 mandatory tyre pre selection for the race start and no artificial stops. Let them run with one set of tyres if they can. Of course that will not happen because Bridgestone want the tyre change to generate some talk.
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Re: Compulsory pit stops


+1 once again the race strategy and fighting for position will be simplified to when you make your mandatory stops instead of some real strategy and overtaking (i.e. like on the track, not on the joker-lane).
tarzoon wrote:build a 26-lane scalextric and give the controls to the drivers.

Bernie will hold the flag

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Re: Compulsory pit stops


Just had a thought about the race tyres in Q3 thing - does this now mean that they can't change tyres at all in Q3? So they get one run at it, effectively, as the tyres are then past their peak!?

Otherwise if they can replace the tyres within the Q3 session then there would be a whole load of loopholes making the rule useless.

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Re: Compulsory pit stops


im guessing it means they can only use one type of tyre in q3.

or that they can qualify in q3 with however many laps as they wish, just the type of tyre used for their best time will be used...

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Re: Compulsory pit stops


I really hope they mean start the race on the same type of tire and not the same used up tires they qualled on... this whole "idea" is assinine... and brings up alot of question/loopholes.

I'm glad they voted down the 2 mandatory stops... gives the teams lower down the order(slower) a chnace to win with a 1 stop strategy

why do they feel the need to penalize the fastest(q3) cars & drivers with this stupid rule... make the rule the same for everyone or just drop it.

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Re: Compulsory pit stops


Hamilton was talking about last year when he'd often started the race on used option tyres having used all his sets in qualifying and that having to do that this year wouldn't be a problem. This would suggest that they get one set of tyres for Q3 and that they have to carry those through into the race, which if true would be real dumb.
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Re: Compulsory pit stops


Imagine that SOMEONE is the guy in shorts...

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Re: Compulsory pit stops


lol love it. cant guess who your talking about.....

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Mr Alcatraz
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Re: Compulsory pit stops


It's a completely idiotic idea!
No refueling, and mandatory pitstops!
Preserving tires may be one teams greatest asset,
while bringing in new ones it's least.
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Re: Compulsory pit stops


WhiteBlue wrote:All this worrying about the "show" is bullshit.
I fully agree.
They ban refueling and then claim the tactical element disappeared. Well, introduce refueling again and you'll have it again.
But I do not think that mandatory stops are the right way to go. It should be up to the teams and drivers how often they want to pit and not to a rule.
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Re: Compulsory pit stops


I bet this wonderful concept sprang from the mind of Bernie. His concern is to draw in a huge TV audience, regardless if it flies in the face of tradition.

Let's face it, there's a lot of young people out there who are growing up in a diet of immediate and constant excitement, three minute sound bytes, and being attracted to the newest cool thing. To Bernie, this is an untapped potential for new fans. And they won't be attracted by just the racing, they require more spice.. more drama and exitement.

And to capture these potential fans, Formula One has to change in a big way. Bernie has already proposed to change the race rules and track so that during a race, a driver can take a certain number of shortcuts. And I fear this is just the beginning.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.

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Mr Alcatraz
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Re: Compulsory pit stops


DaveKillens wrote:I bet this wonderful concept sprang from the mind of Bernie. His concern is to draw in a huge TV audience, regardless if it flies in the face of tradition.

Let's face it, there's a lot of young people out there who are growing up in a diet of immediate and constant excitement, three minute sound bytes, and being attracted to the newest cool thing. To Bernie, this is an untapped potential for new fans. And they won't be attracted by just the racing, they require more spice.. more drama and exitement.

And to capture these potential fans, Formula One has to change in a big way. Bernie has already proposed to change the race rules and track so that during a race, a driver can take a certain number of shortcuts. And I fear this is just the beginning.
This is over the top (all the gimmicks Bernie tries to run up the flag pole) even for the times we find ourselves in, and the current marketing trends. Let me just sight a couple examples. Baseball is a very popular sport in the US. I played a lot. I played college ball in the mid 70's. I still play in a Senior League. The only rule changed in order to spice up the game is the DH, and that atrocity is only used in the American League. For reasons I won't get into it is a very bad rule. The National League has held the line against it for decades. Beside the price of tickets for good seats becoming obscenely expensive, the only thing at the park that has changed is the atmosphere. Instead of organ music in between innings it more resembles a rock concert (which is alright by me).The game is still played with the same rules as always. I think the same can be said about Football (American Soccer) How many World Cups have been decided by shootouts instead of the way they did it in times of yore. This was if no one scored a decisive goal after a certain amount of overtime they would come back the next day after both teams got some rest. Otherwise it played the same as always. The reason other sports can have continuity is because they have strong governing bodies with team representation. Until FOTA can really stand firm, and be represented, in the FIA, decisions are going to be made (or at least threatened) by a demented midget!
As far as I’m concerned if F1 is going to die, let it have a dignified death.
I will not follow it all the way into irrelevance.
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