PapayaFan481 wrote: ↑07 Nov 2024, 12:30
Farnborough wrote: ↑06 Nov 2024, 22:57
You're labelling people's views with a distorted opinion by calling them "haters".
Also with a short memory clearly not stretching back to the point in which McL were fined into 100 million (estimate from recall) dollars ..... for cheating, that's if you want to dramatise things
This, disclosure or whatever people want to call it, has always been part of F1. It is, defacto as it's often used, a method of bringing out into the open something that is likely happening behind closed doors, whomsoever may be carrying that out.
The net result being that it will stop now IF anyone were to be using it.
It is a technical forum, these are factually part of how this sport is conducted.
Calling every opposition to your view (papayafan481) by a derogatory name, is simply juvenile.
I am merely treating others how they treat me. People dispute facts with opinions, that is not how science or rules work.
I clearly remember 2007 thank you. I also remember 2021 when Red Bull knowingly broke the budget cap. What is your point?
I'm sorry of you find me juvenile. I find people who deny facts juvenile. If you have a problem with how I react to thing read my footer and if you are unable to accept that some people see the world differently than you do, feel free to report me to the mods. Hopefully they're more open minded.
You say this is a technical forum, yet the majority of threads are more like the comments sections on social media. The only technical conversation takes place in the car threads and related PU/aero/et al threads. Certainly not in the "they beat us so must be cheating wah" threads.
I apply no label to you, but comment on the words you write.
To come here and use name calling "haters" in attempt to control valid conversation about technical subject, both current and pertinent in this case, is playground behavior. That difines itself, for us all, as juvenile.
If there were something to add, perhaps from intimate knowledge from within McL to corroborate your writing, then that would help.
To subvert, halt or otherwise dictate what others offer, by name calling, then no.
My view of this topic is through the press in quotes from European journalists reporting that in Singapore, a RB tech while waiting their tire dismount after racing saw McL and some other teams had liquid coming from the tire carcass of those teams and voiced that suspicion based on their own previous knowledge of effect possible.
That is important as the wording specifically NOW forbids that as deliberate course of action for any team to take.
To repeat what I've written on forum a few times .... this is very normal to create whispers about potential infringement, from many teams. It's a soft "put up or shut up" situation, usually leading to everyone then making sure they're not then exposed.
Notably, I haven't been aware of McL making a statement about it yet. If there is, then it would help to quote it here. There is a legal behaviour view that to say nothing is equal to a proxy yes confirmation

or they've got then to falsify a denial to risk worsening their position. Sometimes its just easier to take the situation and let it slide away, while internal correction is accomplished.
If they've not been using anything of this order, they'll have nothing to worry about, but we'll see in coming races if there's a material difference in performance that could possibly result.