Timomies wrote:ISLAMATRON wrote:With Michilen winning every REAL race that year
Get your facts right man..
Do you mean that Kimi who got one more point than Alonso 2007 and then was trashed by Massa?
In the 2005 F1 season Michelin won every single race that year except for the USGP, and we know what happened there... you go get your facts right.
Yes That Kimi, that has won more races than Alonso since Michelin has departed fighting against much better teammates than Alonso has had.
Rod_in_Chile wrote:Islamatron, a couple of things you might want to consider, firstly the Renault engine was underpowered last year, you can see that where ToroRosso were getting better results than RedBull at the end of the Season.
Secondly this years car was designed for KERS, the system not proving to be very useful, so I would guess that compromises had to be made to the cars center of balance, wheel base etc to fit the system, even when they stopped using the system they didn't redesign the chassis, and didn't someone mention that they car wasn't design for a DDD
Considered and rejected, Yes the renault was underpowered both this year and last, but it still won races(RBR this year), I happen to remember Senna winning 5 races in an underpowered Ford('93)... the very best allways rise up and overcome, but not by fixing races please. The McLaren & Ferrari were also designed for KERS, yet they had drivers which found a way to win(by other than fixing the race). Maybe if Alonso was as great a development driver as everyone claims him to be he would have advised them to not take off the KERS, as McLaren & Ferrari continued with it and took it to wins. As I have already pointed out, The renault in the hands of Alonso outqualified Hamilton's McLaren at nearly every race pre germany in '09... so the car had some potential in it... that potential was just not developed... and of course most of that lies on the team's shoulders, even though they were the first team to retrofit a DDD.