That's what quotes are for and that's what happens in proper discussions.Giblet wrote:Ah I see you like to break it down into 5 little mini arguments. Sigh. What are you, Kilcoo in disguise?

You're changing your argument (whatever it is) again.I am not privy to any info to know that for sure. But to say he is not one of the best is denial at it's very best.
Now that we've established that opinions are two a penny you now think that if we can't find anyone who disagrees with you then that proves........something.Find me ONE quote about Alonso not being one of the best setup people. JUST one. You can't, because the truth is out there. I can continue to find quotes all day to the contrary of your stance.
Well, if you go back through this thread and look at who quoted who then you'll find this stems from a comment by you about the 'dream move' to Ferrari. Domenicali is obviously heading off Alonso's past history because he fears it might not be a dream move. Since this stemmed from your tell me whether it's got anything to do with it.Your lame attempt at quoting Domenicali has nothing to do with this discussion.

In addition, you take quotes as facts and then choose to ignore the ones you don't like. Interesting.
1. They're not going to say anything else.A more useful quote would be from his engineers who said "We can't wait to start working with Alonso".
2. As said, I'm sure you could find similar quotes if some other drivers had moved to Ferrari. Proves zilch.
I'm sure he is and that's not at issue, but it doesn't prove that he's better than everyone else as you and he thinks he is. If that's all you're trying to say then you're saying...........nothing.I could have a giant picture on my wall of Alonso over my bed, but that would change the fact that he is a really good setup/technical/development driver.
It's just sad people get themselves into these mental states really.Once you start attacking the poster and the way I post, you can tell you have nothing to go on.
It's not anyone else's argument to disprove, rather yours to prove.......because the assumption there is that what you say is simply right.Again, still waiting on one quote, or anything outside of your conjecture and opinion about weaknesses in Alonso's ability to develop a car.

People always try and change the proof of burden when they're out of ideas. It's a well worn tac.
You've posted no facts whatsoever apart from a handful of quotes and your opinion. Islamatron is going on what we can see - results - and asking whether those results are reasonably repeatable.This is what I had typed before i realized it is pointless to argue someone who just argues whatever is posted, and not the facts.
Hmmmmm, well reading what's been written might help. No I didn't say that it was his 'dream team' but that he has come out with the well worked "It was my dream to drive for McLaren since I was [enter age here]" on many occasions:Alonso never said Mclaren was his dream team, you just said that. Where did you get that info from? Made it up?
That was just when he left! I bit of reading might not go amiss. The soundbites mean very little."Since I was a boy I had always wanted to drive for McLaren"....
It's always sad when someone knows he's having a tough time proving his argument who tries to nitpick small details to try and score small victories..........and you can't even get that right.

Proves nothing sweetheart. You can find similar quotes about other drivers on the grid, as said umpteen times.I have yet to find a quote from anyone but you or ISLAMATRON about Alonso being anything but rated very highly in the areas of technical ability I said.