Just going to pick up on two points:
WhiteBlue wrote: Who knows what really was said. There is no published record so far for either version and frankly spoken either way it would not make much of a difference.
Well frankly the people who know what was really said were the team - the same team that have been briefing against their own and changing their position on a daily basis, and also the same team that has supplied all the information your version of events is based upon. You cannot pick and choose which bits of info you wish to believe about this and treat them as fact when they all effectively come from the same source.
WhiteBlue wrote:Marko is the only guy who has from the first minute of the crash to the present day always told the same story. It is very likely the truth
The problem for me is that he clearly lied in his very first interview after the event by giving two contradictory answers to two questions:
1. He first claims that the team lost a
guaranteed one two finish.
2. He then goes on to claim that if Vettel had not have passed Webber then Hamilton would have overtaken him.
The only way in which one of these statements would not be a lied would be if, despite Vettel being the supposedly faster car, Webber was somehow better equipped to keep Hamilton behind him.
I understand that you see him in a different light but I have nothing but contempt for Dr Marko. He's shown himself to be a highly political operator who, much like Max Mosely (another we have strongly differing opinions on) is happy to brief against people, even in his own team, leak information to journalists that supports his agenda. He has a clear agenda for the advancement of Vettel's career, including in preference of Webber's, and he seems willing to do or say anything that is required to give Vettel the greatest possible chance of winning the championship.