Exactly Dave! Just because Mosely is putting all of these ideas out there doesn't mean that they are all going to be implemented. Mosely is the prseident of the F.I.A. From what people say you would think that he sat in a room thinking up ways how to change the rules about. Well he doesn't. The guy has got a tough job to do. (One he doesn't get paid for I might add!) With the growing environmental pressure in todays already tetchy financial climate, he has to consider these factors while keeping the sport rich and vibrant as well as keeping all parties concerned happy. People whinge about Mosely saying he's not doing his job properly and the F.I.A. don't listen. Then when he puts ideas out there from the Technical Working Group and advisors then these people continue to moan that he wants to change the rules. Well newsflash people. Cost cutting is essential... rule changes are essential. The 2008 Concorde agreement has to be agreed in a very short time,and rule changes before '08 need 18 months notice. With the vulture manufacturers trying to suck the blood from Formula One always wanting more, more, more... drastic changes are going to happen. People don't seem to understand that because the manufacturers have held the sport to ransom, basically saying pay us more money and run the sport to our regs. Mosely has no choice but to cut costs so that other teams casn easily fill the gap they will leave when they chew up F1 and spit it back out again when they have had enough. If Mosely allowed them to do this he would be irresponsible for not having the foresight to let it happen. But because he's having to cut costs and make changes now he's also the bad guy.DaveKillens wrote:We need to step back and look at the larger picture. The Concorde Agreement expires in two years, and Max is trying to hammer out some new rules now.
The manufacturers are not the problem. You dont have to be a manufacturer to want to win and spend money doing so if you have or can get it. Blaming the manufacturers is just a smokescreen and convenient. The FIA itself is the problem. One example, amonst too many to mention: Can anyone explain why or how a sport regulatory body can have a participant of the sport as a member its governing body. You dont need to look far to understand the reason why there is such antagonsim/suspicions towards the FIA.The FIA can’t stop people spending money – we know that – but we can reduce their need to spend,” ..
The FIA World Motor Sport Council
"All forms of international motor sport involving land vehicles with four or more wheels come under the jurisdiction of the FIA."
The World Motor Sport Council has responsibility for all aspects of motor sport. Like the World Council for Mobility and the Automobile, the elected members of the World Motor Sport Council come from all over the world. The Council's top priorities are:
-To promote continuously improving safety standards in all forms of motor sport
-To administer international motor sport
-To encourage and implement the adoption of common regulations for all forms of motor sports and series across the world
-To encourage and develop all forms of motorsport, especially amongst the young and in developing countries
The spread of activities encouraged and controlled by the FIA World Motor Sport Council is enormous and is not limited to the FIA Formula One World Championship, the FIA World Rally Championship, the FIA GT Championship or Formula 3000. Through its national member clubs the FIA's involvement extends to the millions of amateurs and professionals who enjoy motor sport in all of its variety.