For instance his crazy reactions when he wins a race or something.. can't he be a little normal? It's like he jumps up and down as if he drunk 5l of beer.
But what bothers me is the Villeneuve comment he did today. what the hell should he comment on that? Even then, arrogantly adding Jacques is a good driver. Of course he is, at least he races with all his heart, what cannot be said of him.
I think people underestimate what Jacques has made through at BAR since Richards changed all the things there. If you start to feel you are not wanted anymore, and people inside your team stop supporting you, dislike you because of the team's principal influence (and your car keeps breaking down while your teammate's doesn't), I think I would have trouble myself to keep think positively and go for it. Remarquably, he was able to do that I think, and he said what he thought to the press, sometimes idd with bitterness, but I can understand that.
Furthermore, the critics of his behaviour against Button... I would not mind a new teammate myself, but if I'm first driver, and then I get a teammate from whom your team screams he is a new champion... that is intimidation. Please don't forget both drivers solved the matter and had mutual respect, even with Jacques being in such a difficult position

Well, I can only hope he'll be back!